PRODUCT OFFER cannot be sold in BC

PRODUCT OFFER cannot be sold in BC

If you are receiving a message upon order entry indicating that a product offer cannot be sold in BC, you are seeing this message because there is an overlap in state codes in our database. In this case the state codes are BC (Baja California - Mexico) and BC (British Columbia - Canada).

You will want to check the script properties for the script you are entering the order for.  It is likely that you have selected Mexico or Canada as a country where the script cannot be sold. Then you've also selected all of the states in Mexico or the provinces in Canada as well. If you're not selling in any state in Mexico or Canada, it is sufficient to only specify the countries that cannot be sold to. You do not need to select all of the states as well.

Simply de-selecting all of the states on that script will allow the order to be submitted without error.

If the above suggestions have not helped you to resolve your error, please contact OrderLogix Customer Care for assistance. Thank you!