Using prices, shipping, and tax from the vendor where the order is originating from is recommended, especially when importing orders with Pre-Auths or Settled payment transactions. When using the vendor's prices, shipping, and tax, there are fields in addition to the basic required fields that are required to import the order. Below lists these fields and briefly describes what we are expecting in each field. The OrderLogix Real-Time Order Submission API spec should be referred to for full field definitions.
USE_PRICES, USE_SHIPPING, and USE_TAXES are all required and must all be sent as "Y" if you are utilizing these values as provided by the source system.
SHIPPING must be provided. This will be the entire shipping cost to assign to the order.
ORDER_STATE_SALES_TAX, or the full tax amount for the order, will need to be provided. This should be calculated using the tax rates and tax calculation and rounding methods provided with the order.
ORDER_SUBTOTAL, which is the sum of all of the products on the order (qty * (up - discount)), is required to be provided with an order using vendor prices.
ORDER_TOTAL must be provided. This will equal the sum of all products, shipping, and tax for the order ((qty * (up - discount)) + shipping + tax)
PRICE## for each product, which will represent the price for one unit of the product.
SHIPPING## for each product, which will represent the shipping cost for one unit of the product.
TAX_RATE## for each product. This will be a number with up to four digits of precision representing the percentage of tax to be charged.
TAX_PROD## for each product, which is the calculated amount of tax to be charged against the unit price of the product.
TAX_SHIPPING_PROD## for each product (if charging tax on shipping) which is the calculated tax to be charged against the shipping of the product. If no value is supplied, we will assume that tax is not being charged on shipping.