The OrderLogix TFN Add and Update functionality is found within the OLX Campaign Setup Import, which allows for the utilization of a specific subset of fields to only target TFNs. This is accomplished by creating a CSV (a file with information fields, each separated by a single comma) with only the required TFN information, leaving the unused fields blank. This document will cover in detail, the specifications needed to create a valid file that OrderLogix can successfully import. File Format: ASCII text (standard US-English letters, numbers and keyboard characters). The file must contain one line per addition, with each field enclosed in double quotes and comma separated, ending with a Carriage Return (↵) <CR>. All unused fields will be left blank and remain separated by a single comma. File Naming: <Organization Identifier><YYYYMMDD>.csv Import Definitions: #
| Field Name | Req. | Type | Max | Field Description | 1 | CLIENT NAME | YES | Alpha | 50 | Adding or updating a TFN requires an existing Client in the system. This field should be exactly as the Client Name appears in the application. If the user is moving an existing TFN to a different Client, put the destination Client here. | 14 | NEW CLIENT? | YES | Numeric | 1 | Existing Client = 0 New Client = 1 This should always be set to 0. | 15 | CAMPAIGN NAME | YES | Alpha | 255 | Adding or updating a TFN requires an existing Campaign in the system. This field should be exactly as the Campaign Name appears in the application. If the user are moving an existing TFN to a different Campaign, put the destination Campaign here. | 30 | NEW CAMPAIGN? | YES | Numeric | 1 | Existing Campaign = 0 New Campaign = 1 This should always be set to 0. | 31 | SOURCE NAME | YES | Alpha | 50 | Adding or updating a TFN requires an existing Source in the system. This field should be exactly as the Source Name appears in the application. If the user is moving an existing TFN to a different Source, put the destination Source here. | 32 | DNIS | YES | Alpha | 50 | Adding or updating a TFN requires the DNIS assigned to the existing Source in the system. This field should be exactly as the DNIS appears in the application. | 37 | NEW SOURCE? | YES | Numeric | 1 | Existing Source = 0 New Source = 1 This should always be set to 0. | 38 | TOLL FREE NUMBER | YES | Alpha | 75 | Enter the new TFN that the user wish to add to the system or an existing TFN that the user wishes to update or move. If the user is updating or moving a TFN, remember this field must be identical. For example 1-800-000-0000 is NOT the same as 800-000-000. | 39 | MEDIA NUMBER | NO | Alpha | 50 | A Media Number is an optional field and may be left blank. | 40 | RRN | NO | Alpha | 15 | A RRN is an optional field and may be left blank. | 41 | NEW TOLL FREE NUMBER? | YES | Numeric | 1 | IMPORTANT: This should always be set to 1 when adding, updating or moving a TFN. |
The attached documentation includes the OLX Toll Free Number Import Spec, Template, and Example.