Enter a name.
Select the type of grid.
Set the width of the grid.
If you want to see the column labels, check the box next to Include Header.
If you want to see the sum row at the bottom of the grid, check the box next to Include Footer.
To add a column to the grid, select the type from the drop-down list.
Check whether or not the column should be summed.
To add a column to the grid, select the column you wish you add from the Add Column drop-down list. If you wish this column to display a sum, check the Sum Column box. Click the Add button and the column will be added to the grid and a preview of the current grid will be shown.
To remove a column from the grid, select the column you want to remove from the Delete column drop-down list and click the Delete button. When you select the column it will be removed from the grid and the preview will refresh.
Click the Save button and the changes will be saved and the Edit Notification Grid window will close.
To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the Cancel button. This will close the Edit Notification Grid window without saving any changes.
Click the Apply button to apply the current changes to the notification grid.
To delete the notification grid, click the Delete button. This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item. Clicking yes will delete the notification grid and close the Notification Grid window.
Note: You cannot delete when you are trying to add a new notification grid.