When a user/employee enters the password to their login account incorrectly three times, the account becomes "locked." The user either needs to contact an administrator (or any user with access to the HR section of OrderLogix) who can edit the employee in the Employee Setup Window, or wait 60 minutes for the lockout to expire.
Unlocking the User Account
To unlock the user account, navigate to HR-->Employee Data-->Add/View Employees or click the System menu. Filter for the user account which is locked by user login, employee Number, or First/Last Name and click the edit pencil icon
beside the user's name to launch the Employee Setup Window.
When the window has loaded they should click the
button on the bottom right of the window to unlock the user's account
If the user is not able to reach an administrator, they can wait the 60 minute timeout period before attempting to log in again with the correct password.