How To: Test Payment Gateway

How To: Test Payment Gateway

What: Testing payment gateway
Edition: Any


Setup demo/sandbox account for payment gateway.



Objective: Obtain a valid pre-authorization
  1. Setup payment processing account on OLX
    1. Use Username and Password from demo/sandbox account (see image 1c)
    2. Make sure Environment ID = Test

  2. Double check Script being used to make sure the Payment Processor being tested is enabled under the Payment Tab (see image 3a)
  3. Make note of the different Payment methods allowed on the script (see image 3a)
  4. Enter test orders using the different payment methods (see image 3a) to be tested (ex: Visa, Discover, Master, American Express, Telecheck, Check, Invoice, COD, Money Order, and/or Giftcard)
  5. You should receive a pop-up letting you know transaction is approved (see image 5a)
  6. Reports > Processing Reports > Real Time Auth Report
    1. Select correct Processing Account (see image 6b)


Objective: Settle a pre-auth
IF item is being held for review you will have to change item status to Item Pay Ready via Admin Util
  1. Processing > Payment Processing > Create Payment Batches 
    1. Client = client used on order (see image 1g)
    2. Account = Payment Process Account being tested (see image 1g)
    3. Mode = Settle Only (see image 1g)
    4. Click Load (see image 1g)
    5. Select the Product Group to create batch for (see image 1g)
    6. Click Create Batch (see image 1g)

  2. Processing > Payment Processing > Process Payment Batches
    1. Select batch created in previous step
    2. Click on Process Batch
    3. You should see Job ran successfully and results of successful job (see image 2d)

Auth & Settle

Authorize & Settle a transaction
Verify the web order number is displayed for auth & settle
Verify the order number is displayed for aught & settle

44:22 - 46:19
  1. If needed, add another item to order and get into Item Ship Ready status
  2. Select Process from CS actions above the line items
  3. Once the CSR_SinglePaymentPopup is displayed (see image 3d)
    1. Select the item you just put into Item Ship Ready status (see image 3d)
    2. Select the Payment Processing Account you are testing (see image 3d)
    3. Click on Process (see image 3d)

    4. This is going to Auth & Settle that specific line item


  1. Add new item to the order
  2. Click on Item Status in order to bring up the Transaction Details popup





  1. You 
  2. Login to the Payment Gateway to verify the Web Order Number matches the Invoice Number (see image 2a)
    1.  Matches 

Settle only captures once a day. Will have to check back the next day to verify against payment gateway
  1. Check order again to verify status is SETTLE
    1. Go back to the order
    2. Click on the line item Item Status (should be Item Ship Ready) to view the Transactions Detail popup (see image 1d)
    3. Verify Status in the Billing Info says SETTLED (see image 1d)

Auth & Settle

  1. Line item will now be in Item Ship Ready status



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