Gross Margin Report Definitions

Gross Margin Report Definitions

This report is for successfully processed debit and credit items in the specific date range (order date, payment date or shipment date). It includes product cost, commission and royalty amounts and shows returned revenue information to determine the gross margin dollar amount and percentage.

Gross Margin Report Column Definitions
CC OrdsNumber of orders that were paid with a credit card
TC OrdsNumber of orders that were paid with a telecheck
CMO OrdsNumber of orders that were paid with a paper check or money order
TOT OrdsNumber of all orders regardless or payment method
Auto EnrollsNumber of orders that had an autoship spawning item
ORD RevQuantity * Unit Price for debit items
SHIP RevShipping for debit items
TOT RevQuantity * Unit Price + Shipping + Tax for debit items
COGProduct unit cost for debit items
COM AmtGross commission amount for debit items
ROY AmtGross royalty amount for debit items
TOT AmtCOM Amt + ROY Amt
RETNumber of orders that have a successfully processed credit item
RET AmtQuantity * Unit Price + Shipping + Tax for credit items
Date TypeOrder date, shipment date, or payment date
Date RangeThe date range of the order or payment batch create date or shipment batch create date          
ClientClient of the source of the order
CampaignCampaign of the source of the order
ClientClient of the source of the order
DNISDNIS of the source order
EmployeeEmployee who took the order
Fiscal WeekFiscal week of the specific date (order date, payment date or shipment date)
Media TypeMedia type of the order
Order DateOrder Date of the order
Order IDOrder ID of the order
Payment DatePayment batch create date of the items on the order
Shipment DateShipment batch create date of the items on the order
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