Error in onStart:SMTP protocol error. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments

Error in onStart:SMTP protocol error. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments

Error in onStart():SMTP protocol error. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments

This error can occur with email delivery of Process Alerts, Reports, Exports, etc.

An error with parameters or arguments would indicate that there is something invalid in the email address fields as they are the parameters/arguments in this case.

To the right of the Email Address field there is an (exclamation point) icon that can be used to validate the email addresses entered in the main field as well as the CC fields. We recommend running this test every time you make a change to the recipients you have setup.

If, when the icon is clicked with the setup as is, the SMTP protocol error is returned stating there is a problem with the parameters or arguments, you can test the email addresses entered by adding and removing the recipients listed. If each of the email addresses result in successful delivery on their own, then it is something to do with the way multiple email addresses are entered. In that case, you would want to ensure the list of email addresses is comma separated with no spaces. If there are spaces after each comma please remove those spaces and run the test again.

As stated above, the list of email recipients should be comma separated with no spaces.

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