Employee Payroll Hours

Employee Payroll Hours

Module: Human Resources
Topic: Employee Payroll Hours
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up 
Editions: All Editions

Navigate to HR>Timecard>Employee Payroll Hours. The Employee Payroll Hours screen displays the Employee, Department, Shift, Date/Time in and out, Paid Break Time, Unpaid Break Time and Adjusted Payroll Hours.

  • Note: An employee's punched in time may overlap multiple shifts, each with a different wage, so the payroll records may be split.
  1. To add a new employee payroll hour record, click on the  Add Employee Payroll Hours button in the blue module bar.
  2. To edit an existing employee payroll hour record, click on the edit pencil next to the log you wish to edit.
  3. A new Timecard Data window will pop up.

  1. Select the employee.
  2. Select the department.
  3. Select the shift.
  4. Enter the phone extension.
  5. Enter the Date In.
  6. Enter the Time in.
  7. Enter the Date out.
  8. Enter the Time out.
    Note: You cannot enter a time out/date out for a future date/time.
  9. Enter the Paid break minutes.
  10. Enter the Unpaid break minutes.
  • Note:The adjusted payroll data cannot be edited. This is based on the time and date entries for this shift.

Note: The information in the fields does NOT necessarily reflect the time boundaries of shifts if the information is changed. You can enter a time that goes outside of the defined time-in and time-out constraints for the defined shift. This allows easier facilitation of changing incorrect records

  • Click the  Save button and the employee payroll hours record will be added and the Timecard Data window will close.
  • To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the Cancel button. This will close the Timecard Data window without saving any changes.
  • To delete the employee payroll hour record, click the  Delete button. This will prompt you to make sure you want to delete this item. Clicking yes will delete the employee payroll hour record and close the Timecard Data window.

    Note: You cannot delete when you are trying to add a employee payroll hour record.
  • To print the current Timecard Data window, click the Print button.

Payroll Hours
Copyright 2019
Revised 5.7.2019
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