Edit Shipping Information

Edit Shipping Information

Module: Order Detail Screen/Customer Detail Center
Topic: Edit Shipping Information
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up 
Editions: Standard, Commerce, Call Center

  1. To change the shipping address for an order, click on the edit pencil at the top of the Shipping Information section of the page.
  2. The Edit Shipping Information window will pop up. 
  3. From here, you can change any fields necessary to correct the shipping address information.
    1. If the zip code of the new shipping address could apply to more than one city and/or county locations, you will be prompted to select the correct location from a list. Click the radio button beside the customer's correct address and click  select. This allows OrderLogix to charge the customer the correct tax rate.
    2. A multiple checkbox icon will display beside the zip code if the city and county selection needs to be modified.
  4. If the order should be shipped to existing address that the customer has on file, you can choose a Shipping profile from the drop down menu.
  5. Click the   Save button and the changes will be saved and the Edit Shipping Information window will close.
  6. To cancel any of the current changes you have made, click the   Cancel button. This will close the Edit Shipping Information window without saving any changes. 
Note: when editing a shipping address, tax will be re-calculated on the order to reflect the tax rate for the new address. 
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