Module: Order Detail Page
Topic: Edit Customer Information
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up
Editions: Standard, Commerce, Call Center
What Are Order Items
Order Items are product offers sold to the customer.
How To
Once an item has been added to an order, limited edits can be made to the order item.
To edit the item, click on the
Pencil Icon (

) to the left of the Item SKU. This opens the
Edit Item Details pop up, which closely resembles the window used to add a new item.
Item Details Tab
On the Item Details tab, you will notice that the options to change Script and Product have a grey appearance indicating that they are locked for edits. These values are not able to be modified at any processing status. Any items that have been paid or shipped will also have Quantity, Prices, Discount, Shipping, and Tax greyed out to prevent modifications.
When the Quantity or Prices are edited on items where it is allowed, the remaining fields will adjust automatically to match the values entered. Make any modifications to these fields, as needed.
Commission Details Tab
Click on the Commission Details tab to edit information about the item’s commissions.
Change the employee the item was sold by selecting from the Item Sold By drop down list.
Assign the Item Type in the second drop down list.
Choose the employee the commission should be assigned to in the Commission To drop down list.
If no commission should be paid, check the box beside No Commission.
Wrap Up
Select a Reason Code from the drop-down menu and add Notes indicating why the item was added to the order. You can also set a specific Resolution for reporting purposes.
- Click Save to apply changes to the Item.
- Click Cancel to exit without saving any changes.
- Click Delete to delete the line item from the order
- If this is the only line item on the order this action will also delete the order
- Click Print to access the print screen and save or print the item details
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