Module: Order Detail/Customer Detail Center
Topic: Edit Customer Information
Version(s): Version 5.1 and up
Editions: Standard, Commerce, Call Center
The Master Customer Address can be edited from both the Customer Detail Center and the Order Detail Screen. The same Edit Customer Information pop-up will appear from both locations.
Customer Detail: Click the edit pencil on the Customer Information tab of the Customer detail module
Order Detail: Click the edit pencil beside Customer Information
Edit Customer Information:

In the Edit Customer Information window, you can either load an existing Bill-To Address to set as the new Master Customer Address, or you can enter information directly into the text boxes.
choose an existing address, click on the drop down menu beside the label “Profiles” and click the address you will be updating the customer’s address to. The text on the pop up window will update to the values for the added you selected from the drop down. Click Save to apply the change.

When editing the information directly, make any modifications to the address in the text boxes, ensuring that ill required fields (as marked with a red *) are complete. Click Save to apply the changes.