The API Detail Screen is a page that allows OrderLogix users to view details about orders submitted to the Order Import API. These details can be used for troubleshooting issues and/or exception management.
The page is accessed by navigating in the menu bar to Processing-->Import/Export-->API Detail.
The main page will provide you with a list of all Order Import submissions to the API. In the list you will see details about each submission such as server, IP Address, User, Web Order #, whether there was an Exception, Customer/Order ID, Create Date, and Client. You’ll notice that this list includes the ability filter like many other pages in OrderLogix, allowing you to look up a specific web order number, or display only submissions with exceptions.
To view additional information about a particular submission, click the edit pencil icon in the list beside the submission record. This opens the API Log Detail pop out window. The top portion of this window displays details such as Server, Date and Time, whether there was an Exception, Customer and Order ID, IP Address, and Web Order #.
The middle section of the page displays the API Request. This is the XML that was submitted to the API(with the Credit Card number removed for security purposes). The XML is displayed in an easy to read format that lets you clearly identify what is being sent in each field. the XML can be copied for re-submission or to be sent in correspondence.