Adjusted Performance Report Definitions

Adjusted Performance Report Definitions

This report is based on calls that are created when an agent enters the new order screen (not call collector calls). It includes the number of item type sale opportunities based on script settings.

Adjusted Performance Report Column Definitions
# AnsThe number of calls in the date range
# ValidThe number of calls with dispositions that are set to count against an agent's close rate as determined by the script
# OrdsThe numbers of orders in the date range (does not include auto generated orders)
% Close# Ords / # Ans
% Adj Close# Ords / # Valid
# Xsell OrdsThe number of orders that have at least one XSL item
# Xsell ItemsThe number of XSL items
# Xsell OppThe number of orders that had the opportunity to sell an XSL item based on do not sell states and payment methods
% Xsell Ords# XSL Ords / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # Xsell Opp otherwise #Ords)
% Xsell Items# XSL Items / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # Xsell Opp otherwise #Ords)
# UpSell OrdsThe number of orders that have at least one USL item
# UpSell ItemsThe number of USL items
# UpSell OppThe number of orders that had the opportunity to sell an USL item based on do not sell states and payment methods
% UpSell Ords# UpSell Ords / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # Upsell Opp otherwise #Ords)
% UpSell Items# UpSell Items / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # Upsell Opp otherwise #Ords)
# AddOn OrdsThe number of orders that have at least one ADD item
# AddOn ItemsThe number of ADD items
# AddOn OppThe number of orders that had the opportunity to sell an ADD item based on do not sell states and payment methods
% AddOn Ords# AddOn Ords / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # AddOn Opp otherwise #Ords)
% AddOn Items# AddOn Items / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # AddOn Opp otherwise #Ords)
# Rush OrdsThe number of orders that have at least one RSH item or item that was rushed (isRush bit set to true)
# Rush ItemsThe number of RSH or rushed items (isRush bit set to true)
# Rush OppThe number of orders that had the opportunity to sell an RSH or rush item based on the do not sell states and payment methods
% Rush Ords# Rush Ords / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # Rush Opp otherwise #Ords)
% Rush Items# Rush Items / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # Rush Opp otherwise #Ords)
# Auto/Cty OrdsThe number of orders that had at least one CTY item or item that spawned an autoship sequence*
# Auto/Cty ItemsThe number of CTY or autoship spawning items*
# Auto/Cty OppThe number of orders that had the opportunity to sell a CTY or autoship spawning item*
% Auto/Cty Ords# Auto/Cty Ords / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # Auto/Cty Opp otherwise #Ords)*
% Auto/Cty Items# Auto/Cty Items / (When the adjust checkbox is checked then # Auto/Cty Opp otherwise #Ords)*
# LeadThe number of calls that did not result in a sale and had customer first name, last name, address, city, state, zip and phone number
% Lead# Lead / (# Ans - # Ords)
# EmailThe number of calls that had a valid email address
% Email# Email / # Ans
$ Prd RevQuantity * UnitPrice of the orders
$ Avg Tkt$ Prd Rev / # Ords
$ Total Rev(Quantity * UnitPrice) + Shipping of the orders
$ Total Avg Tkt$ Total Rev / # Ords
$ Prd Rev Per Call$ Prd Rev / # Ans
$ Rev Per Call$ Total Rev / # Ans
Date RangeThe date the call/order came in
Adjust For Script SettingsWhen this is checked the # Item Type Ords and Items will be divided by the Item Type Opp, otherwise it will be divided by # Ords
Showing Cancelled ItemsWhether or not to include items in 'Item Cancelled' status
Showing Add onsWhether or not to include add on items
Showing Ship Cancelled ItemsWhether or not to include items in 'Item Shipment Cancelled'
Showing Batch Entered OrdersWhether or not to include items from orders that were batch entered
Showing Imported CallsWhether or not to include calls that were imported
*Showing Autos in Auto/Cty colsWhen this is NOT checked the Auto/Cty columns will ONLY include orders with items of type CTY on them, it will not include autoship spawning items
Showing unpaid CC/EC non service only itemsWhen checked only show items with a successful payment transaction or auth on cc orders, all items on orders with a payment type that is not a credit card, and service only items. When unchecked show all items.
ClientThe client of the source of the call/order
CampaignThe campaign of the source of the call/order
Media TypeThe media type of the source of the call/order
Product GroupThe product group of the items on the order
TeamThe team of the employee who took the call/order
EmployeeThe employee who took the call/order
Pay MethodThe payment method of the order
LocationThe location of the call/order
Day Of WeekThe day of week the call/order came in (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc)
Campaign CodeThe campaign code of the campaign of the source of the call/order
CampaignThe campaign of the source of the call/order
ClientThe client of the source of the call/order
DateThe date the call/order came in
Day Of WeekThe day of week the call/order came in (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc)
DNISThe DNIS of the source of the call/order
Employee NameThe employee who took the call/order
Employee NumberThe number of the employee who took the call/order
Fiscal WeekThe fiscal week the call/order came in
HourThe hour the call/order came in
Media TypeThe media type of the source of the call/order
Payment MethodThe payment method of the order
Promo CodeThe promo code of the call/order
TeamThe team of the employee who took the call/order
Toll Free NumberThe toll free number of the DNIS of the call/order
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