5.0 Release Notes

5.0 Release Notes

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Topic: Release Notes 
Version(s): 5.0
Editions: All

Here you will find the most up to date release notes Orderlogix has available. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find a downloadable attachment.

Patch Number Title Description Application Category Patch Type

377-update110321_SIM tax calculation fix
Fixed issue that could occur with tax calculation in SIM, when script and subscripts are used, and 
the same taxable regions are not selected for both. The taxable state preferences for the one of the 
scripts would override the preferences of another script, resulting in some of the items either 
being (or not being) taxed correctly. 

376-update041521_DWH date range fixes
Ticket: #38790 DWE Report Pulling Orders that do not meet Criteria

Fixed bug for compound date control, after canceling opened scheduler it was not showing date calendars for start/end date. 
375-update101221_Fedex URL format update
Ticket: #40078

Updated OLX app to use this URL when generating hyperlinks. 
374-update101421_Sales scripts url fix
Ticket: #40495 Sales scripts

Fixed following issue(s):
Sales Scripts add document feature was not saving document url field. 
Client dropdown was missing
373-update092221_Backport290_Manual order entry transaction fix
Ticket: None

Technical fixes to improve handling of errors when submitting a manual order fails. 
372-update060721_Braintree CreditCard Expiry Date Fix
Fixed issues related to tokenized payment integrations (Braintree, Stripe, etc). Expiration date was not being captured and saved with payment (or payment profile) record. 
Other; Order Entry
371-update073021_Script-PaymentSection not saving 
Ticket: #39685 When adding a new script, the payment tab does not save real-time auth values

Fixed: When adding new script payment tab not saving information for "Allow Real Time CC Authorization" ,"Require Authorization" and "Payment Processing Account"
Other; Campaign/Product Setup
370-update072221_OLX Order import tax on shipping fix
Ticket: 39642

Fixed issue with Order Import/API. In some scenarios, the tax on shipping was not being applied correctly when the 'multiply shipping by quantity' option is enabled, resulting in orders failing validation.
Other; Import Processing; Order Entry
369-update041621_Script copy fix
Ticket: #38928 When cloning a script, the Tokenization. Payment Processing Account is not being copied over

Error: Script copy function is not copying tokenization; Pay Proc account selection. Stored procedure was not copying this field value.
Other; Campaign/Product Setup
368-update042021_Fix auth without order process retrying already created orders
 Ticket: #38699 

Fixed issue where Auth Without Orders system process was attempting to create orders that were already  created. Of course, existing safeguards were preventing this from happening, but it was causing several 
errors to appear in the process history.. as well as causing unnecessary processing activity. 
Other; Order Entry
367-update030221_OLXOrderImport - OrderDate Time margin
Ticket: #38606 High number of API errors

For ORDER_DATE - Allow for a time that is up to 10 minutes in the future. This should prevent slight differences in times on servers from causing an issue. 
Other; Import Processing; Order Entry
366-update032521_Convert shipment batch list on export selection screen to use proc
Converted code which retrieves shipment batch list to use a stored procedure, so that specialized criteria can be applied in the SQL query without requiring code changes. 

To implement a custom specific override to this function... create a proc named "gui_ExportSelection_getBatchList_custom" with the same parameters as this one and implement the custom logic there. 

Other; Export Processing
365 365-update123020_Release Pending Review Items Fix Ticket: #38197 Orders not moving through the system due to Pre-Processing Job getting errors

Optimized query that identifies "pending review" items that have been marked approved-to-release by means of a CS Event. Some unnecessary code that may have caused locks was removed.
Other;#Other Processing Bug
364 364-update120820_Pending Inventory adjustment fixes Ticket: #38183 Pending Inventory Adjustment

Fixed issue:
Datagrid paging was broken for Pending Inventory Adjustment list screen. Grid would disappear when selecting a different page.
Other Bug
363 363-update102320_Fixed incorrect retail price display on installment items Ticket No: HYD-862-77568 -

Fixed issue with Retail price being incorrect on an item when
1. Item was imported/recieved by API
2. Item had a qty of greater than 1
3. Item was an installment... and a portion of it had been pre-authorized/paid.
Incorrect retail price would result in the wrong order total being displayed on the order detail screen.
Other;#Order Entry;#API Bug
362 362-update011820_DHL Shipping method Ticket Title : ABX-821-35934
Description: Tracking numbers not clickable

Implemented clickable tracking link for DHL in the Order Detail Auth & Detail popup.
Other;#CS Functionality (1) Feature
361 361_update082820 Datawarehouse columns selection fix Ticket Title : GZW-624-21647
Description: 5.0 Datawarehouse Columns Not Saving

Scheduler was not loading selected columns properly, as it was also loading default columns in selected columns list box when loading scheduler.
Fixed: Deselected default columns selection before loading scheduler
Other;#Reports Bug
360 360-update102020_RealTimeAuthChange Ticket ID: None (Git Commit 9f3ddcf0)

Internal code modification (refactoring/optimization)
Other Bug
359 359-update081720_Gross sales report fix Ticket ID: DUI-639-42348
Report that pulls Charge Only SKUs

Fixed: Gross Sales report was not working for specific layout named 'Product Offer/Campaign/Client'
Other;#Reports Bug
358 358-update080520_Order API multiply shipping by qty fix Ticket: NEJ-559-74777 & HGO-591-14508
Description of changes:
Fixed issue with API/Order Import not multiplying shipping amount by shipping when the option is
activated on the product offer.

Also fixed an issue with "Amount Already Paid" validation not comparing amounts correctly due to
rounding. For example $43.30 would not equal $43.3
Other;#Order Entry;#API;#Import Processing Bug
357 357-update071320_Delete order fix Description of changes:
Fix to issue- Delete order feature would fail on orders that had required manager override to be entered.

Other;#CS Functionality (1) Bug
356 356_update040220 Add processed field to Payment batch list screen Added new field named "Processed" to Payment Batch List screen (this new filed contain date & time both parts).
Other;#Payment Processing Feature
355 355-update051222_Fix SIM not accessble from new order for customer Ticket Title :FAH-847-76909

Fixed Issues:
SIM order/call entry window would not open when entering a new order for existing customer.
Other;#Order Entry Bug
354 354-update050120_High dollar amount filter fix Ticket Title : WMZ-560-45179
Description: High dollar filter considers even the Cancelled Items

Fixed Issues:
High dollar filter was considering items cancelled while apply high dollar check at the time of prepayment processing.
Other;#Payment Processing Bug
353 353-update022120_Installment Tax Recalculations Fix Ticket Title : HLI-713-40230
Description: 5.0 & 5.1 Tax Recalculation with Installments

Fixed Issues:
Tax distribution on the "recalculate tax" feature for edit shipping was not distributing tax according
the distribute tax policy of the installment plan.
Other;#CS Functionality (1) Bug
352 352_update042820_fix_sim custom field and column rendering Ticket Title : NONE
Description: Fixes to SIM Column and Custom Field rendering

Fixed Multiple column rendering so they would flow next toeach other rather than stacking
Added Wrapper function for SetCustomField action to sim plugin framework
Fixed bug in SetCustomField Javascript (Reversed field order of parameters)
Wrapped label output in span tag so that styles can be applied
Allowed Spaces in CSS class entry when adding fields to elements to support chaining of css classes
Added Support for Maximizing and Dynamic sizing of Elements Editor
Other;#Order Entry Bug
351 351_update022420_fix_encoding of importbase to match uploaded file encoding Ticket Title : NONE

Special Characters not showing up when importing a file. Changed to encoding to preserve special characters.

Other Bug
350 350-update031920_MOJO Tax Included In Unit Price Import Fix Ticket Title : NONE

Added optional feature to treat unit prices as already including tax. When the feature is enabled, the tax (based on rates provided) is removed from the unit price and moved into the tax fields prior to the data being processed.

Feature is activated by adding a custom value to the employee record that is being used to submit the orders.
The custom value is "TAXES_INCLUDED_IN_PRICES" = "TRUE"
Other Feature
349 349-update032520_SIMRealtimeAutAmexBug Ticket Title : NONE

Fixed following issues

- Fixed error during Realtime Auth for Amex Cards. Dom Access to the CC Placeholder value contianed a syntax error
  that was introduced when we ported from Classic Order Entry to SIM with PaymentForm feature
Other;#Order Entry Bug
348 348-update032020-Added Admin Util my company data viewer Ticket Title : NONE

Admin utilities enhancement
Other Feature
347 347-update031920_Prevent SIM window from being closed without proper disposition Ticket Title : NONE

Description: Prevent SIM window form being closed without a proper disposition. If the user clicks on the top right corner button to close the window... it will attempt to disposition the call or otherwise show a message indicating that the disposition is needed. If the disposition was already set... then it will submit the call with disposition and the result will appear in the call summary window. After the call summary is displayed, the window will be allowed to close.
Other;#Order Entry;#CTI Bug
346 346_update022520 Payment Batch Report Fixes Ticket Title : FPK-328-38959
Description: Incorrect Syntax error with Payment Batch Report

Issue Fixed: Selecting large number of Payment Batches lead to exception "Incorrect syntax near ,,"
Other;#Reports Bug
345 345-update031220_Misc SIM fixes Ticket Title : NONE

Fixed following issues

- Fixed error during coupon lookup.
- Fixed missing voiceprint ID from Call & Order records after submitting call
- Fixed Issue with missing ANI in SIM form.
Other;#Order Entry Bug
344 344-update031220_Added default DNIS option for SIM Ticket Title : NONE

For (SIM+CTI only for now), added optional default DNIS that will be selected when the DNIS incoming from CTI is invalid. Note, this does yet apply to manually entered DNIS yet.
Other;#CTI;#Order Entry Feature
343 343-update030620_Fix for customer detail screen print issue Ticket Title : CUG-984-11614
Description: White Box in middle of screen when printing

Fixed Issues:
Customer Detail screen Print preview was showing extra white box, which was hiding original contents of page for print.
Other Bug
342 342-update022620 Installment Release Date Fix
Ticket Title : PUG-615-61910
Description: Order 234126

Added safeguard to the "Payment Scheduler" to prevent setting of the release date in the past for installments.
Other;#CS Functionality (1) Feature
341 341-update030920_System pref custom vals and disposition code check Ticket Title : None

Added custom values editor to System Preferences popup. Added new custom value type of "system"
to represent system wide settings.

Replaced inline SQL with proc, which gets the external disposition code from the call dispositions table. If a system setting named "defaultdispcode" exists, it will be used as the default value sent to an external phone system integration when no external disposition code has been configured for the selected disposition.
Other;#Order Entry;#CTI Feature
340 340-update022820_Mexico Zipcode Lookup for SIM Ticket Title : None
Description: Mexico Zipcode Lookup for SIM


Enhancement to allow mexico Zipcode lookup based on other fields. For use with
SIM, which will present results based on search criteria. Added 2 new SIM Button Aliases to invoke Mexico zipcode search display mode.
Removed various javascript debugger statements
Other;#Order Entry Feature
339 339-update021318_Associated Upsell Feature for SIM Ticket Title : None
Description: Associated Upsell Feature for SIM


Enhancement to allow upsell offers to be associated with product offers. For use with SIM, which will present elements based on these offer associations.

Also redesigned the display of available products in SIM to support an image being displayed, a new button to access the product details page with associated Offers presentation logic.

Optional feature, activated by code 00138
Other;#Order Entry Feature
338 338-update012920_SIM action editor fixes and added replace offers action Ticket Title : None
Description: SIM action editor fixes and new replace offers action.

Fixed Issues:
- Fixed missing button images on some buttons
- Fixed misc issues with action conditions not being preserved or rendered to the screen during editing.

Added Feature
- "Replace" option. Single action that can both deselect & select other SKUs in one action.

Other;#Order Entry Feature
337 337-update013020_PerformanceReportFix Ticket Title : CLP-231-98616
Description: Error running Performance Report

Fixed Issues:
Unable to run report when an option named "Hide Adjusted Columns" is checked.
Report was throwing SQL exception when 'Hide Adjusted Columns' is checked this happened due to error in SQL query. Fix has been applied.
Other;#Reports Bug
336 336_update012120 Olcc Ship Export Fix  Ticket Title : YEU-817-53474
Description: Partial Shipment Option Not Working

Feature named "Require that ALL shippable items on the order are included in this export" was not working for OLCC_Ship_Export. Filter functionality was not working correctly.
Other;#Export Processing Bug
335 335-update012820_Fix tokenization issue when preauth is deactivated Ticket Title : DWJ-394-20710
Description: Postdating orders with Tokenized payment results in an error

Fixed Issues:
Vaulting of tokenized payment would fail if preauth was originally activated on the order entry page, but was then disabled because of an event that disables preauth. Events that can disable preauth include adding a hold date to the order, or selecting only zero priced items.
Other;#Order Entry Bug
334 334-update011320_Batch creation fix Ticket Title : OEE-439-49688
Description: Incorrect amount on payment transaction

Fixed Issues:
Multiple items on the same order can be split into separate payment transaction in certain scenarios. For example, if several credits are issued at the same time, for debits that had been processed at different times. There was a bug which would cause the total dollar amount from some prior transactions to be rolled over into subsequent transactions, causing the amount to be too much. 
Other;#Payment Processing Bug
333 333_update112619 Datawarehouse Export Autoship date filter fix  Ticket Title : JAI-107-55405
Description: Auto Date In Warehouse Exports Not Working

Fixed Issues:
AutoshipDate field was always blank
AutoDate filter was not working for export
Other;#Export Processing;#Reports Bug
332 332-update121219_Cancel all customer performance optimization Ticket No: IYX-929-59765

Optimization to Cancel All Activity for customer popup. In some rare cases, this popup would crash if there was lots of data for a customer. Optimized SQL so this popup will appear faster without crashing.
Other;#CS Functionality (1) Bug
331 331-update121219_Import_Export_PGP_fixes PGP subsystem fixes
- Fixed issue with PGP Algorithm selection not being saved with saved PGP keys.
- Added additional PGP Algorithm options support to the File delivery framework (for FTP, SFTP, etc)
Import fix
- Added allowance in import framework to work correctly with imported files that have been renamed when
  during the process of saving to the DB. 
- Added "hint" to indicate in which mode a FTP server connection should be made. Default is determined
 by the server, but the following overrides can be indicated by adding the following text to the server name
 Server Name = "myserver.com"  ... default, connect in whatever mode is specified on the server.
 Server Name = "myserver{XFRBinary}" .... connect and switch to binary transfer mode
 Server Name = "myserver{XFRAscii}" .... connect and switch to ascii transfer mode
 Server Name = "myserver{XFRDefault}" .... default, same as when leaving out hint string
Other;#Import Processing;#Export Processing Bug
330 330_update112019 Optional Feature [Release notes]

Internal code modification 
Other;#Other Processing;#Order Entry Feature
329 329_update120319 Braintree Token refresh fixes Ticket Title : DIA-419-27517
Description: Unable to create Braintree token
Fixes to EditPayment and Edit Payment Profile popup windows. When the mode is switched to Token and an account is selected... the refresh token button will now open the correct tokenziation interface for the selected account.
Other;#Order Entry;#CS Functionality (1) Bug
328 328-update120319_OLX API product description fix [Release notes]
Ticket Title : FKO-640-83143
Description: Order 3329094 Showing wrong description for "Canada" Order Item

Fix to issue:
Items descriptions for the first 5 items were being overwritten when there are
more than 5 items in order posted to the order API.
Other;#Order Entry;#Import Processing Bug
327 327-update112119_Ehanced Support for 4 Digit Precision storage and new Validation for OLX Import Ticket Title : NONE.

1) Fixed Issue with Negative Discount being applied for Installments when a discount was passed.Unit price was correct, but retail price was wrong, leading to a negative discount being applied to arrive at correct unit price.

2) Added Support for 4 digit storage & display of Shipping and Tax fields.  This allows taxes to work properly with fractional pennies required for order level taxes
This functionality is controlled by optional feature code 00135

3) Added Another Setting to the API and Order Import for USE_PASSED_VALUES.
This setting prevents our calculation/validation of teaxes and discounts and instead uses exactly what was passed in the file for pricing, discounts, taxes, totals, etc..
It also has less strict validation where it only validates the order subtotal and the order total.

4) Added 4 digit display precision (when necessary display digits in 3rd and 4th position to right of decimal point) to monetary display fields the following dialogs:
Add/Edit Item Dialog
Create RMA Dialog
Close RMA dialog
CSR Process Payment dialog
Order Items Grid

5) Adjusted Payment Transaction logic to allow for fractional pennies to be added for each item in the transaction and then to apply the round after all items have been added so that there are never fractional pennies in payment transactions.
Other;#Order Entry;#Import Processing Feature
326 326-update111919_Alternate Ship method selection for Sequence fix Ticket Title : HKD-862-16356
Description: Setting a Default Subscription Setting

Autoship (Continuity) Sequence editor did not show shipping methods in the drop down list to use as a substitute for the default shipping method of the base order.
Other;#Continuity Bug
325 325-update110419_OLX Autoship Import Fix Ticket Title : TZI-277-37417
Description: Fix to error with OLX Autoshipment Sequence Import

Autoship sequences since 5.0 can be associated with a client, but the import specification for this record type does not support client at this time. This resulted in a SQL error when attempting to import these records. 
Other;#Continuity;#Import Processing Bug
324 324-update102519_Import tax on shipping detection Ticket Title : None
Description: Feature to detect if shipping tax was included in primary tax for import

Added a feature to automatically detect if the shipping tax might be included in the primary tax for an order submitted by the import, when the pricing & taxes are provided from the API or file. If detected, the shipping portion of the tax will be moved to the fields meant to represent tax on shipping so that the order can pass validation correctly.

Also included 2 bug fixes
1. MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID not required for anything but Credit Card & Check orders that are a Sale or Auth.

2. Fixed Amount Already Paid tax validation. Amount used for validation was not being correctly multiplying Quantity * Unit Price.

Import Processing;#Order Entry;#Other Feature
323 323-update101019 Product Offer Print Issue Ticket Title : USB-418-59091
Description: Print Preview - Product Offers

Fixed issue:
Print button was not working for Product Offers page (would do nothing when clicked)
Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
322 322-update102319 Autoship Retention Report Fixes Ticket Title : OYP-586-17408
Description: Continuity Retention Report / Cannot Filter by Product Group

Fixed issue with Product Group filter was not working properly. It would only show data if ALL was selected.

Reports;#Other Bug
321 321-update102519_Script Rule text field fix Ticket Title : None
Description: Script Rule parameter issue

Fixed issue with some script rules which have spaces in the parameter values. The encoding of these parameters would prevent them from matching and thus evaluating correctly in certain rules.

Order Entry;#Other Bug
320 320-update102519_Auth without order process fix
Ticket Title : QBK-721-31893
Description: Auto processes failing

Fixed problem with process that recovers orders that were authorized, and for which enough information was collected to create a finished order if the agent closed the browser before wrap-up, or some other error during the initial submission of the order takes place. Process was failing, causing application resets and potentially disrupting other scheduled processes.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
319 319-update091919 Payroll Batch Report Fixes Ticket Title : WJB-714-18867
Description: HR dashboard and CS dashboard reports

Fixed Payroll Batch report as it was throwing exception on startup.
Reports;#Other Bug
318 318-update101719 Autoship Batch Report fixes Ticket Title : EBR-329-36343
Description: Continuity batch report error

Fix: Autoship Batch report would crash when run.
Reports;#Other Bug
317 317-update101119_Fix date of birth demographic field validation for order entry Ticket Title: WHU-404-83473
Description: Unable to submit orders (When date of birth demographic field validation enabled)

Fixed issue that prevent orders from being submitted when "Require Date of Birth" validation option was enabled in the script. Also fixed issue with Script Wizard, which now allow a starting date prior to 1980 to be set for demographic fields. 
Order Entry;#Other Bug
316 316-update101119_Reciept refunds fix
Ticket Title : EBP-528-89851
Description: Receipt Issue

Report was showing credit item as a debit item when the order included refunds. Also sum was wrong. Changed credit items to appears with ( ) symbols to indicate that they are credits, and subtracted credits from total. 
Reports;#Other Bug
315 315-update100319_Fix timeout in releasing pending review items Ticket Title : None

Fixed issue with timeouts during prepayment processing due to excessively long running query when gathering list of items in Item Pending Review status.

Optimized stored procedure
Other Processing;#Other Bug
314 314-update091819_CS Agent Performance Report fix Ticket: None

Fix to issue: Error was being displayed and drop down list filters on page were not being populated with pick values, for the CS Agent Performance Report (located on CS Agent Desktop)

CS Functionality (1);#Reports;#Other Bug
313 313_update01242019 OLXOrderImport Auth Fixes Ticket Title : UTW-958-96137
Fixed issue: API is allowing "Sale" Payment types to be imported without a merchant transaction id

Ticket Title : SHO-763-83186
Fixed Issue: Auth Only Transaction Not Matching Amount Already Paid

This patch fixed two different issues being reported in Order Import/API. The merchant transaction is now a required field for SALE type transactions. The "amount already paid" validation now excludes items that are not identified as pre-auth capable (according to the script), when the payment type for the order is "AUTH"
Import Processing;#Order Entry;#Other Bug
312 312_update062719 ItemPendingReview To Other Status fixes Ticket Title : YEH-710-22109
Description: Orders changed from "Pending Review" not processing

Fixed issue:
Release Date was not being restored to items that go from "Item Pending Review" status to back "Item Regular Hold" status when running prepayment processing.
Other Processing;#Order Entry;#Other Bug
311 311_update062619 Shipment Batch Report Fixes Ticket Title : FPD-548-33702
Description: Shipment Batch Report has an intermittent error

Fixed issue:
Date Range filter was applicable only on Batches available for selection, but
not on the summary data presented in the report. 
Reports;#Other Feature
310 310-update090619_Datawarehouse client restriction fixes Ticket Title : GQJ-341-94716
Description: 5.0 Modification to Datawarehouse

Made following elements on DataWarehouse export client resticted as they were not previously...

Product Code(s) List Box
Promo Code(s) List Box
Ship Charge Profile Drop down
Location Drop Down
Reports;#Other Feature
309 309-update090619_Payment Interface improved error handling Ticket Title : KBV-316-61320

Added better error handling for new Payment Interface (for tokenization). When errors occur during the customer/payment vaulting process... this change allows the Pre-authorization (and also order submission) to be reset so that it can be attempted again after fixing the payment details. Prior to this the Order Entry page would get into a state where it would block subsequent attempts to process.

For the Edit Payment & Profile screens, the former token will be put back if the vaulting process fails.
Order Entry;#CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
308 308-update081419 Export Framework Enhancement Internal Code Modification Export Processing;#Other Feature
307 307-update071019 Modules Permission Popup fixes
Ticket Title : BSN-628-23171
Description: Unable to edit a process

Module Permissions editing issue:
Edit Pencil icon click was not opening popup window to edit modules permissions.
Other Bug
306 306-update072019_misc fixes Internal Code Modification Payment Processing;#Order Entry;#Other Bug
305 305-update071819_CTI modifications to support a new type of phone integration Ticket Title : None
Description: CTI enhancements for new type telephony integration.

Only applies to certain CTI enabled instances.

CTI;#Other Feature
304 304-update071719_Sim enhancements Internal Code Modifications

Also, GUI enhancements and bug fixes for SIM (Script Interaction Manager)
Order Entry;#Other Feature
303 303-update070219_Script Rules condition enhancements Ticket Title : None
Description: Added support for custom drop down filters for script rule conditions

Only applies to instances that have custom script rule enhancements. 
Order Entry;#Other Feature
302 302-update062719_AddPreferenceForDeferredCODPaymentTransactions Internal Code Modification Other Processing;#Other Feature
301 301-update061819_Fixed issue with screen content being cutoff Ticket: THQ-487-72103

Fixed issue with screen content being cut off at the bottom of the screen, and not being accessible with scrollbars (in some instances) 
Other Bug
300 300-update061719_Fixes for DB Price Validation to Order Import Ticket Title : YNF-300-67636

1) Added If Blocks around special Penny Shift Routines to make sure they didn't occur when USE_PRICES, USE_SHIPPING and USE_TAXES were set to N

2) Fixed issue where Discount Rate was not being considered when USE_PRICES, USE_SHIPPING and USE_TAXES were set to N

3) Removed old commented out code that was no longer necessary

3) Removed a SQL Dataset lookup during adding of Line Items that was not using any data returned in the dataset
Import Processing;#Other Bug
299 299_update061319 Job output fix Ticket Title : LLC-632-17828
Description: Flattened/Data Warehouse Export Not Displaying Full Results on Subsequent Runs

Fixed Issue: Data Warehouse export was not producing job out on subsequent clicks on Preview/Process button.
Other Processing;#Scheduler;#Other Bug
298 298-update061419_Payment processing account report filter fix Ticket Number : JCH-602-13354
Ticket Title : Error on Cash Flow Report

Issue: Not all payment processing accounts were available for selection in Payment Processing Account filter on Report Viewer screen.

Summary of changes
Fixed criteria used for determining client restriction of displayed accounts.
Payment Processing;#Other Bug
297 297-update061019_Add Support for 4 Digit Unit Price Precision storage Ticket Title : NONE. 

1) Fixed Issue with Discount Penny Shifting where it was shifting the penny in the wrong direction, causing a -$0.02 discount

2) Fixed Issue where Imported PAID installments did not populate/distirbute Retail Price or Discount Fields from base item to the installments

3) Added Support for 4 digit storage & display of Unit Price field.  This allows discounts to work properly with quantities > 1
This functionality is controlled by optional feature code 00135

3) Added Another Setting to the API and Order Import for when to round Shipping Tax.
This setting determines if round occurs prior to adding to Line Item Tax (SEPERATE) or if the Shipping tax is added to Product Tax prior to the round (AGGREGATED). 
The defualt behavior priot to the change was "AGGREGATED", which also remains the default behavior for the setting if unspecified.

4) Added a new row to the Add/Edit Item Dialog to display the calculated Line Total.

5) Fixed Tax Calculation issue (on RMA and Add/Edit Item and Edit Shipping dialogs) where Quantity was being subtracted from product subtotal before assessing tax
Import Processing;#Order Entry;#Other Feature
296 296-update053119_Add toggle action to expand_collapse orders list on customer detail screen Ticket Number : DNY-509-55432
Ticket Title : 5.0 modification - expand all also collapse order details

Add an option to Collapse All Orders on the Customer Detail Screen (existing button now toggles) 
CS Functionality (1);#Other Feature
295 295-update053119_Fix to error when creating RMA Ticket Number : JHK-542-67718
Ticket Title : Error when trying to create an RMA (new RMA reason created)

Fix to following issue:  Error when trying to create an RMA (new RMA reason created). Did not occur in all instances.

CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
294 294-update052819_Inventory SKU Import fix Ticket ID: KDT-398-96563

Fixed issue with Inventory SKU Import, where the names of existing SKU's would be erased when importing an update file for existing SKU details.
Import Processing;#Other Bug
293 293-update052819_Returns report optimization Ticket ID: EEF-146-52897

Optimization to "Returns Report". Before it could take over 45 minutes to run in some cases and not finish. Improved performance.
Reports;#Other Bug
292 292_update041919 Flexible Payment Interface Ticket Number : YKK-804-38507
Description: 5.0 Flexible Payment Interface with Tokenization support

New Payment Interface to replace payment collection forms in OLX. Ultimately this interface will be used to collect data for built-in payment methods too, but for phase 1 this interface just works with custom payment interfaces only.

Order Entry;#CS Functionality (1);#Other Feature
291 291-update052219_AddMethodsToNSLibWrap Internal Code Modification Export Processing;#Other Feature
290 290-update051519_Fix incompatibilies with certain DB names Ticket: LYF-844-45312
Fixed issue where some OLX screens would crash when the OLX database name includes a "-" in the name.

Other Bug
289 289-update051119_SIM Action Type Set Pay Proc Account Ticket Title : NONE

Add New Action Type "Set Payment Processing Account".
Add New parameter type "Pay Proc Account"
Add Javascript Callback for setting the Payment Account 
Order Entry;#Other Feature
288 288-update050219_SIM Form Editor and Display fixes Ticket Title : NONE

Fixed following issues with SIM Forms list screen
1. SIM Forms were not being opened full screen.
2. Sometimes, the SIM form editor would not open when the edit pencil icon was clicked.
3. Newly added, deleted, and edited forms were not appearing on the SIM forms list unless
the user navigated away and back to the form again.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
287 287-update050219_CRV viewer compatibility with customer continutity list variants Ticket Title : IDA-268-28244
Description: Modify Continuity Customer List Report

Added compatibility with custom versions of the continuity customer list report.
Reports;#Other Feature
286 286_update042419_SIM support for script rules Ticket Title : LYO-956-76916
Description: 5.0 Add Script Rule validation support to SIM viewer

Added Script Rule Validation & rule driven outcome support to SIM. Sim Form designers will need to take the appropriate precautions to ensure that the design of SIM forms allows the user to navigate back to elements that need correction when script rules prevent the order from being submitted.
Order Entry;#Other Feature
285 285-update050219_Make client filter a required field for DW exports Ticket Number : SUM-748-19007
Description: Flattened Export actually pulling other clients data

Data Warehouse & Flattened Data Warehouse exports need to have clients selected in order for client restriction to be applied to the data being exported. Added prompt that prevents the export from being run by a user that is client-restricted, until the user selects at least one client filter.  The list of clients visible to the user is already correctly limited to those that are visible to the user.
Export Processing;#Reports;#Other Bug
284 284_update050119 RSA Encryption of Credit Card Via API Ticket Number : ZVE-407-14265
Description: CC Encryption - API Orders

Using RSA encrypted data fields with the OLX XML API
The XML document schema will be modified to support passing RSA encrypted data elements instead of plain text data elements.  This change will be implemented as follows:
1)  The OLX system will have a new screen added for generating RSA Public/Private key pairs.  The RSA keys will be generated as 2048 Bit.
a.  When a key is generated, the public key and RSA Key ID will need to be provided to the vendor who will implement the encryption.
b.  During encryption OAEP should be used instead of PKCS#1 v 1.5 padding.
2)  The OLX ReceiveOrder API method will have 2 new <SETTINGS> elements added.  These elements must be added to the XML document when RSA encryption is used.
i.   Possible values are “true” and “false”
ii.  Default value if not passed is “false”
i.  A Unique ID created from the key management screen within OLX that will be shared with the vendor
3)  The following elements within the <ORDER> element, are eligible to contain RSA Encrypted, Base64 encoded string using the provided public key:
b.  <EXP_DATE>
c.  <CVV_CODE>
4)  If any of the 5 fields above does use encryption, add an attribute called “encrypted” to the element and set the value to “true”.  For example, here is a sample of the CC_NUMBER field using RSA encryption:
a.  <CC_NUMBER encrypted=”true”> Vs0AyeLQTpmOX3DUQ2Fm1fG5TzyiqbA9QNB4CcMgFyHKpFN7cS6X5hL+yZSDdYYr0FJhgZCeo+ZbgQZh5VHx8+3oKPsb0eOyx//KD5OsSFfwxS3M6aHw9QGbZUm6ZLoA5QtGmQfXzzh9QE18d2B6rWFNUN9jdKCrrJeFO7eBVxqd3D4g1lUQmSIFtOWSMDJJYPjbMh2KUCMnFDsqsPjdsoqAmDfsN4QWytye7z</CC_NUMBER>
5)  When the API receives the data, if there is RSA encryption enabled, the data will be decrypted using the private key related to the specified RSA_KEY_ID.
6)  The decrypted values will be used during the Order Import routine and no changes will be made to the Order Import routine.
7)  Any exceptions logged in the exception files area (OLX Import Log) will contain the decrypted data.

API;#Other Feature
283 283_update041719 Credit Card Masking fix Ticket Number : NWD-498-37031
Description: CC Masking - AMEX

Fixed CreditCard masking only for American Express card. It was showing only last three digits while it should show last four digits.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
282 282-update041519_Auth without orders exp date crash fix Ticket # TTI-235-24684

Fix to Automated process for recovering orders that were successfully Authorized on the order entry screen but not submitted at the end of the call. 
Order Entry;#Other Bug
281 281_update032719 Call Data commerce edition link fixes Ticket Title : YMC-518-45113
Description: Notification hyperlink's aren't displaying when accessed via the tile on the company data desktop in Thane

Fixed issues
1) At Company Data home "Call Data" link resulting in white screen
2) At Company Data home "Pick Lists" link resulting in white screen
3) Call Log & other Call related appearing on the Call Data module list screen when they are not intended to be visible in Commerce Edition.
Other Bug
280 280-update041519_Multiple tracking number support Changes to Order Detail screens Auth & Shipment Transaction popup to display information about multiple tracking numbers if they exist for shipment transactions in the database. When this information does not exists, the popup continues to work as it did before.
Other Processing;#CS Functionality (1);#Other Feature
279 279-update041219_Fix missing CS activity template type for automated notifications Ticket Number : JKH-782-87177
Ticket Title : CS Activity Notifications missing in Automated Delivery page

CS Activity notification templates were not available to select when setting up
automated delivery of notifications.
Notifications;#Other Bug
278 278_update032919 CRV filters data-binding fixes Ticket Title : OMP-812-93017
Description: Client restrictions are not applying to report filters - all reports

Added user-based client restriction for common Report Viewer page filters. Note that that if these entities are
not explicitly linked with a client... they are considered "Global" and visible to all users regardless
of their client associations.

Fixed issue with default Date Range not applying to list of batches that are shown when the report viewer screen
first loads.
Reports;#Other Bug
277 277-update040419_broken image path fix Ticket Number : None

Missing image file fix. Involved small/invisible image so issue not visible to end users. 
Other Bug
276 276-update040919_API viewer serialization fix Ticket Number : None

In some cases, API Detail posts with an excessive amount of data would not appear in API Log Viewer grid. 

API;#Other Bug
275 275-update040219_Order Item History Tooltip error handling Ticket Number : None

Fix to script errors which would occur when hovering over item status tool tips. Issue not visible to users, but can be seen in browser console and in web server logs.
Other Bug
274 274-update032719_API logging and more sql error handling Ticket Number : None

Added logging statements to OLX_API for IIS Advanced Logging
Added authentication cache for OLX_API.. reduce need for DB access on frequent API calls.
Added additional safeguards to clear open SQL connections when errors occur.
API;#Other Feature
273 273_update031919 Customer Payment Profile Fixes Ticket Title : EUE-407-31085
Description: 5.0 MAPP incompatibility with new encryption

Fixed following issues.
Every time a new item is added to an existing order A new payment profile being added to customers record.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
272 272_update031219 Item Status Notification Copy Fix Ticket Title : KSK-275-71937
Description: Error When Copying Item Status Notification

Fixes error that occurred when attempting to Copy Item Status Notifications.
Notifications;#Other Bug
271 271-*cancelled* *Cancelled*
Payment Processing;#Other Processing;#Other Bug
270 270-update022819 Order Entry Mgr Override fix Ticket Title : AWF-423-50464
Description: Bug with Manager Override Option

When the System Preference "Do not require manager overrides for coupons" is enabled, then the
discount generated by the coupon should be allowed, even if no discount is specified for the offers
on the script.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
269 269_update022219 ProductName space issue
Ticket Title : LVQ-945-57405
Description: Extra space being added to item name that can not be removed (identified during inventory sku association import)

Product Editor was not truncating extra spaces included before or after product name, resulting in problems for other
parts of the application that attempt to match products based on name (certain imports for example)

Fixed potential SQL vulnerability.

Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
268 268_update022819_WidenCampaignFieldIntblSource Ticket Number : None
Description: Error Reported by Thane-AU while trying to add sources.

When a campaign name was larger than 50 characters, adding a source did not work. 
Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
267 267_update022719_Inventory Report Fix Ticket Number : ACF-386-23243
Description: Inventory Item Report Including Inactive Items.

Fixed Inventory Item Report. Report was including items that were deleted.
Reports;#Other Bug
266 266-update090618 Data Warehouse Export Item Status fix Ticket Number : PHV-467-54864
Description: Item Status selection bug for data warehouse export

Fixed issue with Data Warehouse Export. Result set was including some items that had an item status
different than the item statuses chosen for filter criteria.
Reports;#Other Bug
265 265-update022119_Admin util for managing email subsystem overrides Ticket Title : GBU-773-42796
Description: 5.x Email client admin utils page

Basic Admin Util page to allow support staff to :
1. View Default OLX email client - Basic / Strong (TLS Compatible)
2. Set Notification email client to use system default (as seen in #1), or override to Basic or Strong
3. Set Delivery/Processing email client to use system default (as seen in #1), or override to Basic or Strong
Other Processing;#Other Feature
264 264_update013119 SKU Substitution Feature Ticket Title : BXI-674-98603
Description: SKU Substitution Module

Added a new feature which allows inventory SKU's to be swapped for another at the time they are allocated
and assigned to OLX product items.

- Date range for when substitution will be in effect can be defined.
..... This date can be based on when inventory is allocated, or the order date of the item
- Details from the order can be used as criteria to determine if the SKU substitution will be done
..... In this version, the only criteria available is State code (billing or shipping)- hard coded in interface.

- Unit of measure cannot be translated when the SKU is swapped. It must be matched with a 'like' sku with the same
..... unit of measurement.
Inventory;#Other Sponsored Feature
263 263_update021819  Customer Dedupe optimization  
Ticket Title : DPM-898-76160
Description: 5.0 Review DeDupe Process
Optimizations to the Customer Dedupe screen to improve performance and reduce memory use. 
Other Processing;#Other Feature
262 262_update020719 Import PGP confirm GUI fix Ticket Title : MJZ-421-36991
Description: 5.0 Import/PGP Key GUI issue

Fix alignment of PGP Passphrase confirmation text field.

Fix issues where no passphase would be accepted when trying to set up an import that
decrypts a file using a PGP key with required private key verification.

Fixed issues with uploaded file selection being lost when changing decryption method
or selected PGP Key. 
Import Processing;#Other Bug
261 261_update012819 Remove Credit Card and account  filter Ticket Title : UMZ-323-29056
Description: 5.0 Remove "Credit Card Number" and "Account Number" options from the CS search screens.

Removed "Credit Card Number" & Account Number filter from top filter bar dropdown for the following screens
-Order Lookup
-Product Lookup
-RMA Lookup

The reason this is removed is because the strong encryption being used in the application now does not encrypt data
with the same hash pattern every time, so that it can be predictably matched with past records. 
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
260 260_update012819 Secure Field Encryption Fix Ticket Title : OZE-654-28426
Description: CC on order has letters not numbers

Optimizations to how the encrypted data is handled in some of the Data Access Classes. Introduced a separate set of
variables to represent encrypted (vs non encrypted data), so that that the data is not encrypted and decrypted repeatedly
with each add/update operation. This is intended to address a rare edge case scenario where on a couple of occasions,
the encrypted value of some fields in the DB was actually a hash of an already encrypted value... which could theoretically
happen if the same variables hold the value in both states at different times.
Other Bug
259 259-update012419_Continutity customer list report decryption fix Fix to Decryption error when running Continuity Customer List report.  Reports;#Other Bug
258 258_update012319_Standard edition adjustments Ticket Number : None
Ticket Title : Standard Edition adjustments/fixes

Additional changes/fixes for patch 256.

Employee List Report
- Hid "Hire Date" custom filter (in standard edition)
- Added some Layouts that don't include unavailable fields. Included: Employee #, Title, Active
- Report viewer cannot provide date range for this report in SE mode, so added override to report proc to include ALL dates
- Cleaned up the content of the report. The isActive now renders as "Active"/"Inactive" instead of True/False. Employees
..... without Title are just rendered as "None"

Fix To Source Lister Page.  Original tactic for suppressing the Media Buyer and Call Type Fields was causing an issue where
2 new columns were being added to the data table fro every post back.
Other Bug
257 257_update012319_Fix non reference credit determination Ticket Number : KOK-282-90488
Ticket Title : Unable to process credit card refund - code 33 error

Fix to a SQL procedure used by some standard payment modules (including Auth.net). Proc would sometimes return the
wrong result if there were other unsuccessful CREDIT attempts made prior with different payment account.
Payment Processing;#Other Bug
256 256_update122718 Standard Edition Feature Association Ticket Title : NONE

Various Menus and links Associated to be in the Standard Edition.  Additionally, In Dialog Supression for some tabs and/or fields for the screens in the Standard Edition.
Other Feature
255 255_update121318 Add Safeguard for exporting items that already have a shipment transaction Ticket Title : NONE
Description: Add Safety Check to make sure items that are already in a shipment transaction cannot be exported again.

If Items are in Ship Ready Status, they are added to a shipment batch for export.  This fix reviews each item in the batch.

If the item has participated in a prior shipment (has a record in tblShipmentTransactionItem) it is remoped from the batch.
Additionally a message is written to the job log output that identifies the item/order that was removed from the batch.
Export Processing;#Other Bug
254 254_update121118 Delete SCP from ship method popup fix Ticket Title : YNP-960-49854
Description: Unable to Remove Shipping Profile from Shipping Method

The shipment method screen allows for deletion of Ship Charge Profiles. However, when deleting them here, they would disappear from the attached profiles list (in the popup), but then they would still be linked when opening the shipping method a second time to view it again.

Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
253 253_update121118 Job message timeStamp enhancements Ticket Title : KLZ-853-46483
Description: 5.0 Add time stamp to job messages

Add timeStamp to job messages. This is not visible in GUI, but may be helpful in troubleshooting/diagnostics.
Other Processing;#Other Feature
252 252_update112918  OrderImportV4 configurator fixes Ticket Title : EIH-487-46533
Description: 5.0 Order Import V4: Import Configurator Does Not Allow for PPA Override

Fix: The account overrides selection widgets were not always enabled and editable, when the option
to use them was enabled.

Import Processing;#Other Bug
251 251_update112718 Email component overrides Ticket Title : LYN-336-58708 & GEU-560-50137
Description: 5.0 Additional Support for Multiple Email Servers / Failing Processes

Added hidden options to allow the two subsystems that use email to have a setting different from the default "use secure email" setting specified by feature code 00122.
Other Processing;#Notifications;#Other Feature
250 250_update083117_From033_Extend review order function to continuity processing [Release notes]

Extended "Review Order" functionality to apply to continuity processing
Extended Cancel popup to include "Item Pending Review" items if they exist.

Continuity;#CS Functionality (1);#Other Feature
249 249-update120718_SQL optimizations Ticket Title : None

SQL optimizations resulting from Solarwinds analysis.
Other Bug
248 248-update120518_Add missing script rule validation properties to order import Ticket Number: None

Added missing script rule validator details. The properties were already part of the validation framework, but were set by manual order entry only. Some of these are needed by upcoming modules.

The following validator details were not formerly set by the import. Now they are:
Import Processing;#Order Entry;#API;#Other Bug
247 247-update113018_From047_Shipping tax on installment fix Ticket Number: KAL-585-44411
Description:   Tax Amounts Off

Fixed problem with incorrect distribution of taxes on installments when shipping is taxed.

The tax on shipping is distributed separately from the primary tax, because the distribution of the shipping charges can differ from the main tax. There was a bug where the shipping taxes applied to installments was not being correctly subtracted from a "remainder", which is used for updating the tax on the base item after the installments are created. 
Continuity;#Other Bug
246 246_update112118_Release from auto hold fixes Ticket ID : ZOZ-815-55547
Description: Installments receiving a release date prior to capturing payment

Fixed issue:
For installments with the "require prior paid" option enabled, Prepayment processing would release the next installment after the prior one was paid, but only based only on an AUTH (instead of a settled payment). This applied items that were processed in the Auth->Fulfill->Ship Confirm->Settle model. Fixed process so that actual full payment (by settlement) is required.

Also, adjusted installment due date calculation to take into account delays in payment from prior installments when the "require prior paid" option is enabled. For example, if the second installment should be paid 10 days after the first, but the first payment is delayed for 5 days... then the second installment will be due 10 days after the first one is paid.
Payment Processing;#Other Processing;#Other Bug
245 245_update112118_Throttle call rate of CTI events service Ticket Title : GMH-303-43352
Description: Order Logix Down

CTI polling for events too frequently (sporadic issue)

Fixed issue:
In some cases, browsers running the CTI softphone would make excessive calls to the server to check for CTI events. Introduced delay in service for all possible responses (except a valid CTI event which will continue to be returned immediately) 
CTI;#Other Bug
244 244_update111318 Item Cancel Status Fixes Ticket Title : CGL-264-30067
Description: 5.0 Shipment Cancelled status not being set in all cases.

Fixed issue:
When an item was cancelled (having current status "Item Awaiting Ship Confirm"), and it was a zero dollar item, it was going to status "Item Cancel" instead of "Item Shipment Cancel" status.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
243 243_update112118 Add support for allowing Release Data on declined items Ticket Title : NONE
Description: Add Support for allowing Release Dates on Declined Items.

This task was implemented to allow for Third Party Decline Management tools to take over the decline resubmission process.

No regular processes in OLX will set the Release Date.  The release data can be cleared by using the "Mark Paid" or "Cancel" buttons on the
Customer Service "Order Detail" screen.
Payment Processing;#Other Feature
242 242_update112118 Update API Log date filter field to support brackets Ticket Title : NONE
Description: Added Brackets to Create Date Filter Field in order to properly apply filter

Because certain field names are reserved words, we had to add brackets around all filter fields for the client side data filtering.  Inside the stored procedure, a filter field name was replaced with the actual table name. column Name notation.  Because of this, we needed to wrap the brackets around the filter field name in the replace statements or else invalid sql was being generated
API;#Other Bug
241 241_update110618 Import configurator error trap  Ticket Title : VLU-164-81193
Description: Batch Processing Schedule Deletion Failing

Improved error handling for Import configurator errors. When viewing an import schedule, and an error
results... an alert popup will be displayed and the error will be logged to the event table. This will
leave the schedule accessible so that it can then be edited or deleted.

Import.ascx now will handle any exception that may occur while editing import Job Scheduled via GUI.
An error message will be displayed to user, complete error information will be loggged to system event table.
Other Feature
240 240_update111618 Change inventory pref for Awating Return status Ticket Title : None

Changed setting for item status "Item Awaiting Return". This should not reallocate inventory if edited.  
Inventory;#Other Feature
239 239_update110818 Product Offer Combo Enhancement
Add table formatted details to Product Offer Comobox on the Add/Edit item popup (on the Order Detail screen). It now includes these details: Product Offer Name, Description, UnitPrice and Shipping) to easier identify the item being selected.
Ticket Title : REX-748-52688
Description: 5.0 Need better visibility of offer descriptions
CS Functionality (1);#Other Feature
238 238-update111518 PaymentBatchReport All Fixes Ticket: BQO-159-37156
Description: 5.0 Batch Report Issue - Selecting Multiple

Ticket: ZRN-136-11782
Description: Payment Batch Report is only recognizing the first batch in the list although there are multiple selected

Summary of fixes, changes:
1. Added support for scheduling of Payment Batch Report
2. Internal changes to how report filters interact with other filters (when there are dependencies between them)
3. Fix to checked items being unselected. 
Reports;#Other Bug
237 237_update111218 Add Columns and Layouts To Gross Sales Report.sql Ticket Title : None
Description: Add Ship Charge Profile and Shipping Method Fields to Gross Sales Report

Some systems require a shipping method to be assigned to orders before shipment can occur.
There is no easy way to identify orders by shipping method in the system. 
Added 3 New Layouts to the Gross Sales report
to allow for identifying orders by shipping Method. 
The new layousts are:

The special field called "HasShippingMethod" is a calculated field that returns

Thes particular layouts allow for effective grouping to identify all orders without an assinged shipping method
Reports;#Other Feature
236 236_update110218 RMA or Discount Fixes Ticket Title : KVM-615-94586
Description: 5.0 Credits/RMA causing inaccurate discount # in Order Detail screen summary

Fix to Credit & RMA items causing inaccurate discount & total values in Order Detail screen summary.

Discount & retail price are now copied to the credit items... to preserve the original relative full to discounted
price of the original item on the credits. These are also proportionally adjusted based on the percentage of the
amount refunded. For example returning 50% of the price will result in the discount being scaled down by 50%, with
the retail price being equal to the new unit price plus the new discount.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
235 235_update103018 Source Export Fix Ticket Title : NDG-200-52233
Description: 5.0 Unable to export all sources

Export to excel button was not exporting data beyond 1000 records. Now this limit has been removed.
Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Feature
234 234-update110118_Linked schedule fix Ticket Title : YCC-373-26495
Description: Job ID Failed - No Error Email

Added additional safeguards to help ensure that linked schedules (and process alerts) are run when application
restarts occur in the middle of an iniating job.
Scheduler;#Other Feature
233 233_update101618 OrderTime Fix Ticket Title : PFC-936-38180
Description: 5.0 OrderTime On Orders Table Needs Seconds

OrderTime field not saving seconds part of time.

1. Manual order entry [Fixed]
2. Autoship order creation [Already working correct as it is using TimeOfDay]
3. OLX Order Import [Fixed]

Manual & Autoship order creation should always include the second.
For imported orders, the Time is not required but if the seconds are provided in the file then we should also parse it
and include it in the table.
Import Processing;#Order Entry;#Other Bug
232 232-update102218_Widen Pay Proc Account Fields Ticket: MBQ-214-42092
Description: Widened the 5 Custom fields to hold more than 50 characters.  Recent gateways have started using

API Keys based of of some sort of hashed or encrypted value for authentication, which can be more than 50 characters.
Payment Processing;#Other Feature
231 231-update102218_Add Specified Pay Proc Account Settings To OLCC_API Ticket: None, but stemmed from testing of the Paypal Rest API.
Description: Add Default Pay Proc Account Settings for Auth Account/Sale Account to OLCC API Receive Order Method. 
This becomes necessary when using a paypal express checkout when the Campaign is linked to a different account. 
We need to force the Transaction into a specified account rather than use the Campaign Associated Pay Proc Account.

Enhanced api order import method to choose exisiting Configuration Settings for the order import.  Whe the Element PAY_PROC_ACCT has a value, we now lookup the value to obtain a PayProcAccount ID.
If we find one, we set the Auth/Sale Default Account overrides for the payment transaction
Payment Processing;#Other Feature
230 230-update101918_Better handling of line feeds for imported orders Ticket: GZI-307-94990
Description: Import Framework - LF instead of CR not importing

Enhanced file import framework to better handle files where the import lines are delimited by
Line Feed characters instead of the combination of Carriage Return and Line Feed characters typical
of files generated on Windows operating systems.
Import Processing;#Other Bug
229 229_update101918_Allocate inventory setting for item statuses. Added a new setting to the Item Status table to indicate if the item should allow
allocated to be allocated to it. Modified Item class to respect this setting when applying
updates to an Item. The default status of this bit is: The inverse of isFinalStatus.
So all items that are in a final status are not allowed to allocate inventory.
Also "Item Auto Hold" is not allowed to allocate inventory.

Inventory;#Other Feature
228 228-update101618_Process payment popup fix Ticket Title : BAN-528-83277
Description: Error processing credit card on single order

Fix to sporadic "Connection was not closed" error when attempting to process single payments
from the Order Detail screen.
Payment Processing;#CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
227 227_update092618 PO Duplicate Fix Ticket Title : YGZ-241-83104
Description: Investigate PO Numbers Changed

Added safeguard to prevent duplicate PO Number from being entered when
saving/updating an existing purchase order. Application will display a prompt

Inventory;#Other Feature
226 226-update101218_API Detail screen logging fix Fixed issue with API Log where the User Name and the WebOrder Number were transposed while being
entered into the system.

API;#Other Bug
225 225-update100118_Installment payment scheduler fix Ticket: AFY-146-23870

Fixed issue with Installment Payment Scheduler. This screen was displaying a "first installment not found" alert message
after doing a preview of upcoming operations on the installment program. While the message is valid, it should not be displayed
if there were DUE (on hold) items prior to Previewing the action on this screen.

* Note, this patch introduces a fix to an issue observed while debugging, but original issue reported by client still exists.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
224 224-update083018 Fix forAPI Log LIster filtering fields with reserved sql names Ticket Number : NONE
Description: Fix List Filtering for API Detail Page by wrapping dynamic SQL filter columns in square brackets

API;#Other Feature
223 223-update082718_Fix CTI screen pop issue with certain agent ids Ticket: AKH-459-60984

Fixed issue with crash on entry to Order Entry screen, when a user gets a CTI screen pop and their agent ID
is a large numerical value (instead of an alphanumeric name or small number)
Error message: "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow."

Found that the agent ID was being passed in as the employee ID. In most instances that would be invalid, and the
default employee ID for the current session would be used. But in the case of a large number, it was causing a
crash. Removed incorrect parameter assignment.
CTI;#Other Bug
222 222-update081718_SFTP connection fix.sql Ticket: VKD-759-90588

Fixed the following connection error when connecting to some SFTP servers:
"Connecting to Remote Host Could not negotiate client MAC algorithm"
Export Processing;#Import Processing;#Other Bug
221 221-update081718_Report schedules fix.sql [Release notes]

BQO-159-37156 (partial)

Fixed issues with "Some attributes of the schedule could not be displayed.  Please review the report settings for accuracy." error when attempting to
open some schedules for editing.
Scheduler;#Reports;#Other Bug
220 220_update053118_Add support for addon script rule outcome handlers [Release notes]

Ticket: QYO-162-48375

Add option to load a custom "Script Rule outcome handler" (SROH) module when processing the order
after it has been submitted (or imported). Handling can involve doing something to the order, order items
or some other proprietary action.

Add support for DNIS is script rule evaluation
Import Processing;#Order Entry;#Other Feature
219 219-update080918_Inventory commit for ship ready items [Release notes]

Already paid items that were created by the import/API were not having inventory allocated. This is
because these items are created and immediately promoted to Ship ready status.
Inventory;#Other Bug
218 218-update080918 Enhanced Discount and Tax for OLX Order Import [Release notes]

Ticket Number : IYG-147-45177
Description: Add New Item Level Report for API troubleshooting.  Enhanced Tax and Discount Logic to better support MOJO calculations
Import Processing;#Other Feature
217 217-update080918 Add New Feature for API Log [Release notes]

Ticket Number : NONE
Description: Add New List Module and View Dialog to look at API Entries for beter troubleshooting

Located under Processing->Import/Export->API Detail
Provides a searchable LIster page for all API Order Submissions.  Each one can be viewed in detail as well by hitting the pencil edit
API;#Other Feature
216 216-update080918_Add Columns to Data Warehouse
[Release notes]

Ticket Number: GSZ-485-57922

Description: Add the fields Below to the Data Warehouse Export and also the Flattened Export. 
The new fields are now available as columns in the "Available/Selected Columns" area under the following names:
Export Processing;#Reports;#Other Feature
215 215-update080818_Release item held fore review ix [Release notes]

Ticket Number: FAH-518-96117

Description: Modify item status history tooltip and held for review release review process, to correctly identify the
prior status of the item prior to it being "held for review"

Order Entry;#Other Bug
214 214-update071918 Replace Autoship with Continuity Fixes [Release notes]

Ticket Number : QVS-819-53925
Description: 5.0 "Autoship" referral in CTY modification screen on customer detail center

Replace word Autoship with Continuity on the customer continutity settings, and continuity profile popup.
Continuity;#Other Bug
213 213-update071918 Dataware House Export Fixes Ticket Number : CYH-705-45787
Description: 5.0 Schedule Datawarehouse issue(s)
Ticket Number : BRH-343-29863
Description: Flattened Export "selected column" move up/down arrows causing columns to disappear

Fixes to the following issues:
1. The Available & Selected Columns are not being preserved correctly in the schedule when the schedule is reopened for additional editing selection is lost.
2. GUI should retain all the values that were last viewed in the schedule editor if the user closes the schedule editor while a schedule is selected.
3. It doesn't log any notes to the job history to inform the user that the system is attempting to deliver the datawarehouse file to an external site, if delivery is enabled.
4. Errors are not resulting in the Datawarehouse export failed status
Export Processing;#Reports;#Other Bug
212 212-update071118 Media Type Fix for source Ticket Number : KEG-373-37209
Description: 5.0 'Choose a Media Type' is The Value on tblSource When None Is Selected

In Company Data->Advertising->Source Media Type was not properly saving in database when "Choose Media Type" value is selected.
It was saving text "Choose Media Type" instead of "None" (when none is selected)

Media;#Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
211 211-update071818 Fixed test delivery feature [Release Notes]

Fixed "Type not found" error that would occur when trying to use the test delivery feature (email, ftp, etc) from the Export
screen. This is the feature that is invoked when viewing the Delivery Tab, and clicking on the blue "Click to validate" button
after delivery details have been entered.
Export Processing;#Other Bug
210 210-update070518 Script Custom Fields Fix Ticket Number : MYQ-298-18435
Description: Custom Fields in Maintain Scripts

Fix to issue:
Demographic Custom Fields List items were not populating correctly. If multiple custom demographic lists are configured to appear in
Sale Order Entry screen; Items in the first list would be displayed correctly, but then items in subsequent list would be the same as items in the first list instead of their own distinct set of values.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
209 209_update062818 PayProcAccount Password Trim Fix Ticket Title : PZR-325-77101
Description: 5.0 Login Password on tblPaymentProcessingAccount Table is Being Truncated when Encrypted

GUI was truncating password to 50 characters, removed limit.
Payment Processing;#Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
208 208_update062718_Partial Ship Option Fix Ticket Title : HXO-935-90168
Description: 5.0 Partial Ship Option: require payment to only consider "payable" items

If any item on Order is service only,it was holding complete Order from being shipment when option
"Reqire payment for other items on Order" is checked which it should not do.

Export Processing;#Other Bug
207 207_update050118 Process output missing on second run Ticket Title : MNY-408-85500
Description: 5.0 Warehouse Exports - Criteria Change Wont Re-Load

Fixed issue with job output on the Process screen (used by Data Warehouse & Automated Purchasing). Job output would not
always appear in the results tabs when running a process a second time on the same visit to that screen.
Other Feature
206 206-update062218-Product popup inventory item fixes Ticket Title : UFI-627-68963
Description: new base item doesn't show inventory items

Fixed bugs with the Inventory tab on the "Edit Items" popup. Drop downs for selecting inventory SKU's now show a default list of items
regardless of whether or not text has been typed into the field first. If text has been typed into the field, the choices in the drop down
are filtered by that text. At least 4 characters must be typed in for filtering to occur.
Inventory;#Other Bug
205 205_update052418 Retail Price Fix Ticket Title : HUL-250-72554
Description: 5.1 Order Detail screen calculation issue.

Retail price value for order items was not being set correctly for manually entered orders
(order entry page), resulting in incorrect order price summary information being displayed on the
order detail screen. (retail price is used for display only, and not processing)
Order Entry;#Other Bug
204 204_update052218_More customer options extension option Added optional button to open a popup to display additional customer related information & features.
Popup contents and additional features vary by instance.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Feature
203 203_update040218  Valiate Email Addresses Ticket Title : BAA-270-16589
Description: 5.0 Notifications Being Prepared for Invalid Email Addresses

Added additional invalid email detection to the notification preparation process, to remove pending notificions that would cause problems for the notification mailer. This is an interim solution to prevent bad emails from causing the "send emails" process to fail, while stronger email validation during order entry/import are still needed.

Notifications;#Other Bug
202 202_update042418_Partial coupon code validation Ticket Title : SMI-486-36115
Description: Issues with coupon codes

Added partial coupon validation support to OLX Order Import and API.
Option is enabled by import configuration page, or by adding an additional node to the XML settings
block in the API post: VALIDATE_COUPONS with a value of Y or N (yes or no)

This is partial validation because the coupon amounts/percentages will not be evaluated against discount amounts, but
the following coupon attributes are validated:

1. That coupon name is valid.
2. Coupon is not used more than the maximum # of times specified in the coupon config. Existing
   customer is determined based on First & Last name, phone number, and zip code.
3. Order subtotal is not less than the minimum specified in the coupon config.
Import Processing;#API;#Other Feature
201 201_update040918_SKU associate import improvements Ticket # FNQ-273-75072 & KSA-679-19831

Optimizations made to the standard Inventory SKU Association Import. Specifically,the Inventory SKU Association Import will now be able to associate existing Inventory Items to existing Warehouse locations. The Warehouse Location field is no longer a required field within the Import because it has been added to the configurator page. The user can now set a default Warehouse and Warehouse Location within the configurator and these will be used if the field was not provided in the file.
Import Processing;#Inventory;#Other Feature
200 200_update040618_Order entry call record fix ***** Updated, fixed incorrect ticket ID & Title ***********

Title: 5.0 Order Entry's copy call info with new call record feature not working
Ticket #:TGI-252-83127

Fix to a mode of the order entry page, where it should create a new call record while copying details from
an existing call. This would prevent new call records from being created when processing internal notifications
based on a call disposition. The details would not be copied into the new call, and the existing call would
be updated (rather than a new call being populated with the same information)
Order Entry;#Notifications;#Other Bug
199 199_update040618_Save new source fix Title: 5.0 Edit Source Not Notifying of Duplicate DNIS
Ticket #:YVT-756-21036

Fixed missing prompt that should occur when trying to enter a new source which contains a DNIS
that is already use by another source.
Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
198 198_update040318_Add Shipping Address To RealTime Auth Details Added some payment framework changes to support for payment preauthorization with shipping detail (for future use)  Payment Processing;#Order Entry;#Other Feature
197 197_update040318_Notification Enhancements Added BCC field to notification templates so that a copy can be sent back to the specified user. Notifications;#Other Feature
196 196_update032818 CRV multiselect fix Ticket Title : AVQ-550-41843
Description: 5.0 Scheduling on Reports

Fixed report viewer page issue, where inactive items that were selected (when certain drop downs are in 'show inactive' mode) prior to saving the schedule, would not be re-selected when recalling a schedule into the interface for further editing, or when recalled for ad-hoc report running.
Reports;#Other Bug
195 195-update022318_From042_Option to release inventory when items decline payment Ticket # BNT-192-49014

Allow Inventory allocation to an item to be released if item declines. Setting controlled by ReleaseItemOnDecline bit on settings table. Off by default.

Payment Processing;#Other Feature
194 194_update032918_SQL optimizations and indexes Added some additional indexes to help optimize permission evaluation queries by the application. Added a stored procedure change to help prevent sql locking during coupon code evaluation.
Other Feature
193 193_update032818_Customer dedupe fix Ticket Number : UQO-590-49134

Fixed issue that could cause the customer dedupe process to fail. This was only is issue in some application instances.
Other Processing;#Other Bug
192 192_update030918_Add new default concurrency ban Ticket Number : UTG-429-16651
Ticket Subject : Add concurrency ban for Prepayment Processing and Continuity Processing

Summary of changes
Add an entry into the table to prevent ppp and continuity job types from running at the same time
Continuity;#Other Processing;#Other Feature
191 191_update022618  Script Rule - Custom Condition Ticket Title : TGJ-219-62372
Description: 5.0 Script Rule module framework (from DEV)

Added framework to allow Script Rule Condition Modules to be added dynamically. Added override variables to allow
a script rule condition module to override the outcome that has been configured in the script wizard.
Order Entry;#Other Feature
190 190_update022818 Error Detail Page Fixes Modified application Error Details page, to not display information that was submitted to the
server prior to the error. This is to prevent protentially sensitive information from being
displayed on the screen (passwords, card numbers, etc)

Other Bug
189 189-update030218_Scheduler duplicate launcher fix XRJ-258-99821 (and FEM-635-31835)

Added safeguards to prevent the process launcher (and process scheduler) processes from launching a
second time if invoked from the scheduler control panel.
Scheduler;#Other Bug
188 188_update011918 Company Data Tiles Fixes Ticket Title : YQA-791-40909
Description: 5.0 Tiles that need to be removed from Standard Edition

Removed these two tiles from Standard Edition (since features are not accessible from top menu)
1-Pick Lists
2-Call Data
Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
187 187_update012218  Item List Link Fixes Ticket Title : ZFR-295-74289
Description: 5.0 The "Item List report" pops & locks you in when attempting to access the item list from the products module

Company Data Item List link fix. Hyperlink was opening Item List report instead of interactive item list screen. 
Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
186 186_update021518 Removed custom page from portal Application cleanup

Removed client custom feature, was converted into an add-on page which is now in the Custom project.
Other Bug
185 185_update021518 Change recent feature activity code Change activity code # for Script Rule based hold order feature, due to some custom functionality
already using this the code # in some instances.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
184 184_update021518 Admin utilities fix Ticket Title : MKQ-736-48847
Fixes an issue where Admin Utilities (for OLX Admin staff only) was not visibile in some instances.

Fix to add missing Site Developers role from admin if it was missing.
Other Bug
183 183_update013118 PhoneNumber format fixes Ticket Title : RCR-175-42744
Description: More issues saving from pop-up window

Fixed issue that would cause the formatting to be stripped from the phone & fax numbers when
hitting Apply before Save in the System Preferences Popup. Formatting changes could potentially
cause the numbers to be saved incorrectly.
Other Bug
182 182_update012618 Coupon Client Restriction Fixes Ticket Title : WGK-409-26645
Description: 5.0 Creating Coupon code issue

1-Allowed "None" as possible selection for client in Edit Coupon screen.
2-Fixed Coupon Lookup Service (used by Order Entry page) to apply client restiction
3-Fixed broken Delete Coupon feature (if coupon was used before)
4-Duplicate coupon name per client check was not working properly when existing updating coupons
5-Converted coupon duplicate check to stored procedure to fix potential security flaw
6-Coupon list was showing deleted/deactivated coupons.
Order Entry;#Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
181 181_update020118 Notification incorrect alias fix Ticket: KOD-807-59603

Fix to issue where incorrect alias details were being merged into notification emails (in some cases)
Notifications;#Other Bug
180 180_update013118 Script rule fixes Fixed issue with 'Was Item Ordered Before' script rule condition evaluator. Rule was not properly
evaluating credit card matches.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
179 179_update011918 Global Script Fixes Ticket Title : JGX-864-84121
Description: 5.0 Global Script Rules

Fixed misc issues with the Script Rule Editor.

1-Global Script Rules was not rebinding data after edit record.
2-Global Script Rule edit popup was not showing validation error messages.
3-Global Script Rule Editor was not saving associations with Scripts (from the Global Script Rules page view)
4-While attaching Global Script Rule to Script, client column was blank; it should say None or Client name.
5-Fixed broken image on ADD button (in script wizard for script rules)
Order Entry;#Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
178 178-update012518_Billing Shipping address comparison script rule Ticket Number : MAH-292-73262
Ticket Title : Fraud Prevention Business Rules

Additional script rule changes.
1. Added new script rule condition called "Bill/Ship Address Match". Can indicate whether or not
   Bill & Ship addresses are the same; specific address elements for the compare can be chosen.

2. Default script rule which implements the new condition type installed as a global rule.
   Rule is titled: "OLX Billing & Shipping Addresses Must Match"

3. Changed CS Event name slightly, from "Item Held For Review" to "Order Held for review", since event applies to order.

4. Changed item status code of Item Held For Review from 40 -> 04. A client had a problem with 40.

5. Fixed limitation with "Is Ordered Before" script rule condition which prevented it from being used when the product
   is not selected. (removes need to have "is product selected" IF condition first)

6. Unlink Global Script Rules menu from "Advanced Call Reporting" feature settings.

7. Turned on "Expanded Script Rule Response Capability" by default, since new prepackaged rule will require it and there
   isn't optionalization support for individual rules. 
Order Entry;#Other Feature
177 177-update012518_Import framework path fix Ticket Number : GGJ-867-16127
Ticket Title : 5.0 Need to remove APP_PATH from Import Schedules. Determine in real time

Minor adjustment to import framework to obtain application run path in real time, instead of replying on application path stored
with the a schedule. This is to prevent issues that can occur in multi-app server instances where the application was installed
in different physical paths on each server.
Same changes also made to Generic Process framework (used by Datawarehouse export and Automated Purchasing)
Import Processing;#Other Bug
176 176-upadte011618_Purge notifications fix Ticket Number : IVN-511-21915
Ticket Title : Notifications not sending?

Fix to the Purge Notification feature. In some scenarios, old notifications could not be successfully purged from the system.
Notifications;#Other Bug
175 175-update010817_Audit history tables for select record types Ticket Number : MAR-399-54730
Ticket Title : 5.0 Create additional history tables for change tracking.

Summary of changes:
Create history tables for selected tables and triggers that update them.
Other Feature
174 174_update010817_Expanded Script Rule Response Capability Ticket Title : HYU-325-26557
Description: Script Rule driven hold-for-review order

Added new feature (disabled by default, contact OLX support to activate).
Script rules can now be used to cause alternate outcomes, other than simply rejecting the order. The only alternate outcome supported at this time
is to place the order on hold for review. This is done by setting the new orders items to "Item Pending Review" status. Items can be released from
this status by marking specially added CS Events as complete, then running Prepayment processing. Alternately, items can be cancelled.

GUI changes include the display of warnings to a Sales Agent when certain script rules will cause the order to be "Pending Review". These warnings
will be shown if there are no other script rule violations that would prevent the order from being submitted at all. The user will have the option
to "accept" the warnings and proceed to either Pre-auhorizing the payment or submitting the order.
Import Processing;#Other Processing;#Order Entry;#Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Feature
173 173_update010518_Enhancements for Discounts and Taxes during Order Import Ticket: IYG-147-45177
Subject: Orders failing to import due to tax table issue

Order Import modifications to support feeds that use non-traditional rounding for taxes and discounts.
Added additional information about the original retail (pre-discount price) of items to Order Detail screen. 
Import Processing;#API;#Other Feature
172 172_update122217_CSAgentPerformanceReport CRV version Ticket Title : MKO-323-15333
Description: 5.0 CS Performance Report Whitelist

Fixed CS Performance Report link on Customer Service overview page. Hyperlink was opening the
CS Performance report anymore, and the report itself had not been converted to run using the
standard Report Viewer page. Report has been upgraded and report link has been fixed.
Reports;#Other Bug
171 171-update010218_Ship confirmation fix Ticket Number : WTW-130-65704
Ticket Title : Another $0.00 order is processing multiple orders

Fixed a bug which would affect items that had a pre-authorization, but was then edited to be a zero priced item. Such items
would not go to shipment delivered status after their shipment was confirmed, but would instead return to Pay Ready status.
Zero priced items would immediately be shipped again.
Import Processing;#Other Bug
170 170-update122717_Datawarehouse export process fixes Ticket # BOG-354-88558

Added new functionality to enable dynamic date ranges in Data Warehouse enhancement. Performance
optimizations to the warehouse export config screens. Add schedulable report icon next to
Data Warehouse export links.
Reports;#Other Feature
169 169-update121517_Fix some interface typos and labels
Ticket Number : ARD-815-73184
Ticket Title : December 2017 Time Tracking

Summary of changes
Fix labels that are all one word or contain the work 'report'.  Update link to continuity.
Reports;#Other Bug
168 168-update112117_From040_Recalculate taxes on shipping edits TicketNumber : VQK-617-22769
Feature Request - Tax Recalculation in Order Details Window

Added code to recalculate the taxes of the items orders when shipping information is changed. Tax is only
recalculated when the items are still eligible, meaning they have not yet been included in a payment, preauth
or shipment transaction.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Feature
167 167-update100617_From039_Option to allow duplicate offer names Ticket: CWD-605-87003

Override default restriction against adding multiple product offers of the same name for the same
client. V4.0 allowed this, but a new restriction was added in 5.0 since it is usually desirable to have unique offer names, however this
patch optionally restores the 4.0 lack of restriction for clients that require it.

Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Feature
166 166_update120817 Dataware House Export fix Ticket Title : KQX-651-84038
Description: Error Message when trying to pull Flattened Export File

Fixed Datawarehouse export crash when a user who is client-restricted attempts to run the report.
Export Processing;#Other Processing;#Other Bug
165 165-update060817_OLX Tax Mod part 1 Ticket Title : UKB-933-12594 & ZFI-899-63320
Error Description: Internal Tax Modification

This patch is just part 1 of changes described in those tickets.

Add interface support for selecting the correct County when the County for the zip code that has
been entered into the Order Entry page has an ambiguous county name. The county name is stored in
the Order table so that it can used again later if items are added to the order.

Order Entry;#Other Feature
164 164_update120617_Item type for CS added items fix Ticket Title : TEF-810-98911
Description: Exported order file to call center is not marking orders with multiple lines as priority

Fixed issue: Items added from the customer service Order Detail screen were not being added with the correct item type
as defined in the script that was selected.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
163 163_update120517 Refund or RMA popup tooltip fix Ticket Title : RDN-155-51235
Description: Tool Tip isn't working over the "yield" icon for Mooster once a credit has already been issued

Fixed missing tooltip warning message when items have already been credited using the Refund/RMA Popup.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
162 162_update120517_CRV security enhancments Ticket Title : LUY-178-72093
Description: Additional report security

Fixed issue with report viewer page, where client restricted record security record would not be enforced
to the proper degree for some reports. Added a safeguard to prevent client-restricted users from running
reports that do not explicity filter by client ID's already.
Reports;#Other Bug
161 161_update112117_Order Entry recording mute fix Ticket Title : RYE-331-78309
Description: Calls not stopping recording when credit card box is popped

Fixed issue where call audio recording was not being paused while the sales agent was entering payment information, in instances
where there is Connect First call API integration.
CTI;#Other Bug
160 160_update112117_Fix notifications not visible in some editions Ticket Title : NYR-152-83555
Description: Error On Net Sales Report Page For 1 Of The Logins

Fixed error message on Net Sales report when the report was run by a Client-restricted users. Also made adjustments to the
report viewer page to correctly secure the data displayed when a client-restricted user selected "All" clients from the
report filter selections.

Reports;#Other Bug
159 159_update112117_client restricted report fix Ticket Title : NYR-152-83555
Description: Error On Net Sales Report Page For 1 Of The Logins

Fixed error message on Net Sales report when the report was run by a Client-restricted users. Also made adjustments to the
report viewer page to correctly secure the data displayed when a client-restricted user selected "All" clients from the
report filter selections.
Reports;#Other Bug
158 158-update113017_Agent performance report fix [Release notes]

TicketNumber : QGK-308-57282

Fixed issue where individual agent performance reports were not filtering result data correctly for the user running the report.
Reports;#Other Bug
157 157-update112817_Prepayment Processing item status change safeguard TicketNumber : JFE-517-43659

Added safeguard to Prepayment Processing to help prevent items from being changed to an incorrect
status when an item status has been changed from the user interface, or add-on process or module at
the same time that the item is involved in Prepayment Processing

Other Processing;#Other Bug
156 156_update112217 Installment Items fixes Ticket Title : ETE-512-49999
Description: 5.0 Installment setup issues

Fixed following issues with Product Offer Installment editor.

1) When adding New Line Item during installment setup, grid is not showing correct number for line item.
2) Fixed error on editing existing installment line item.
3) Master save button for window should not work until changes to lineitems are not saved.
Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
155 155_update112817_Extend permitted dates for next ship date Ticket Number : OWO-896-74066
Ticket Title : Error when cancelling autoship

Summary of changes:

Extended permitted dates that can be entered into the "Next Ship Date" field in the Customer Autoship
settings popup. Added to circumvent error that could occur if there were preexisting next ship dates
outside of the normal default range allowed for this screen.
Continuity;#Other Bug
154 154_update111717_AddEdit Order Item descripiton textarea css fix Ticket Title : JIC-530-88730
Description: Add item screen to add item to order does not always fit the description

Fixed problem with item description box sporadically being too small to display all the text of the item
being added or edited in the Add/Edit Item popup (off Order Detail screen)
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
153 153-update111717_Demographic List Fix Ticket Title : MYD-160-28214
Description: Customer Service Errors

Fix to issue: Fixed order entry crash when custom demographic list when it only contained 1 item
without a line break after it.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
152 152_update111617_Internal notification fixes Fixed issue where hitting Get Next to retrieve the next internal notification from the internal notification queue would sporadically fail. Also fixed sizing issue for New Orderfor customer popup on the internal notification detail screen. Notifications;#Other Bug
151 151_update111617 Edit Job Scdeduler not deleting jobs Ticket Title : QBH-414-21789
Description: Red X on Payment Processing Schedule Delete Not Working - 5.0

Fix to issue: Edit Job Scdeduler control not deleting jobs (in Create Payment Batch) screen. Problem was
related to an error displaying the Delete Confirmation prompt.
Scheduler;#Other Bug
150 150_update111617 Not showing items from subscript Ticket Title : LVM-160-20419
Description: Subscripts_5.0

Subscript items were not being included in the products available when searching or selecting items
to add to an order on the Add/Edit item popup (on the Order Detail screen)
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
149 149_update111617 PunchIN button not refreshing screen properly Ticket Title : CHM-344-25171
Description: Employee Login TimeCard

Fixed issue: Punch IN button on TimeCard screen not redirecting user to Home page.
HR and User (3);#Other Bug
148 148_update111317 Script - Script Element Freezing Ticket Title : QYP-564-51969
Description: Editing Elements of a script is freezing all tabs

Documents containing  Microsoft Word specific markup that was pasted into the elements form in the Script Details
screen could potentially cause the script editor to be unusable when reopened for further editing. Added some
post processing to remove some of the markup that could cause issues.

Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
147 147_update111317 Order deletion not working via History grid Ticket Title : WCS-762-99433
Description: Red X on Orders - 5.0

Fixed issue: Order Delete button was not working on Customer Detail screen - Order History grid.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
146 146-update100617_restore missing campaign info on CTI softphone Source & Campaign information was no longer visible in the softphone when 'customer lookup' is enabled,
because the interface switches to another tab to show possible name match results. Replicated
these fields to 'match' tab and made interface a little taller to allow this information to fit with
the other things already on the screen.
CTI;#Other Bug
145 145-update100617_Fix error when submitting Invoice order Ticket: XMF-560-49526 /  Error on order submission

Fixed crash that would result after submitting an order with the payment method of Invoice.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
144 144-update100617_From038_Payment Batch Report with certain user names fix Ticket # WGC-720-12387 and FTY-796-22762

Fixed a crash that could occur when running some reports, such as Payment Batch reports when the user
name of the agent running the report contains a @ symbol.

Reports;#Other Bug
143 143_update111417_Script- ScriptPopup not working Ticket Title : CQM-840-56819
Description: 5.0 Script  popup stopped for agent

Fix to issue: Open script button on Order Entry page works the first time the page is visited, but
does not work on subsequent visits.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
142 142_update111017_Restore ability to create sets from offers that spawn installments Ticket # YGD-923-80066
Restored the ability to add a set item to a product offer when there is an existing installment
also attached to the offer. 
Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
141 141_update110717 OrderEntry - PromoCode Issue Ticket Title : AAS-843-64967

Fixed the following issue.
1) Unable to submit Order Entry Screen when "Require Promo Code for sale" rule is enabled on script.
Order Entry;#Other Bug
140 140_update103117_Integrated Datawarehouse Linked Datawarehouse project (also linked to OLX Process solution) to OLX solution to guarantee latest version is always deployed.  Other Processing;#Other Feature
139 139-update110217_Fix to MAPP profile error when adding items to telecheck order Related to patch #131. Same issue was found in Add/Edit item popup. (DOU-759-35313)
Fixed error message displayed when trying to add item to Telecheck order.

CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
138 138_update103117 Client delete confirmation Ticket Title : KUG-375-61939
Description: 5.1 No Confirmation Before Deleting a Client

1) Add confirmation to Delete button of Client.
2) Fixed error caused by trying to delete client record, client is set to inactive now instead. 
Campaign/Product Setup (2);#Other Bug
137 137_update103117 Order Summary Button_part2 Ticket Title : WVO-234-62415
Description: Order Summary Button

Related to patch 126
Fixed issue with Order Summary report not launching from Order Detail screen. Was fixed for credit cards; this
patch also fixes issue for Telecheck orders. 
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
136 136_update110117_OLX Order Import v4 Tax fixes (EPP-561-39642)
Fixes to tax calculation in the API & Order Import (v4) when taxes are included in the file.
Resolved validation errors that would happen for some orders in the following circumstances:
1- Installments items were set up to 'Not distribute tax', and Use Taxes = Y
2- Use taxes = Y and the tax mode is "Order", and items have a quantity greater than 1.

Also, Added TAX Rounding Method option to the configurator. This was in API but not on Import
Import Processing;#Order Entry;#Other Bug
135 135_update102617_RadTabStrip layout issue Ticket Title : HGW-676-86741
Description: 5.1 Call Entry Window - Notes and Demographics look and feel is off

Graphics on the Script popup had incorrect colors making it hard to discern where the tab handles were on the screen. 
Order Entry;#CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
134 134_update102417_Report Scheduler Combobox values issues Ticket Title : ZBB-971-23616
Description: Product Group selections are displaying incorrectly in report schedules

Fixed issue with report viewer, when opening saved schedules. Prior selections in the product group drop down list were not being cleared and replaced with the selections from the schedule. 
Reports;#Other Bug
133 133-update102717_Fix API exception count in import log Fix import log exception count.  Ticket # EHX-805-45210

Fixed incorrect exception counts in the Import Log for imported orders. Worked correctly for API but not imported files. 
Import Processing;#Other Bug
132 132_update102717_Add safeguard to PPP step Modify PPP Transitioning From NYA.  Ticket # YRX-787-87691

Added safeguard to prepayment processing to items to help prevent incorrect item status changes, when other processes may be affecting the items being handled. 
Other Processing;#Other Bug
131 131_update102517_Remove MAPP code from credit popup Removed unneccessary MAPP (Address/Payment profile) code from the Refund popup. Code was causing
issues in some instances when customer had Telecheck profiles and credits were being added.
Review of code revealed that customer profiles do not need to be created/modified from this screen.
CS Functionality (1);#Other Bug
130 130_update102017_API and Order Import V4 merged into OLX [Release notes]Due to the close interdependance of these modules with core functionality, OLX Order Import V4 and OLX API have been added to the core application.  Feature
129 129_update102017_Datawarehouse changes Ticket Title : KBQ-668-45654

Description: 5.0 Bug - Flattened Export Report &quot;type&quot; defaulting to &quot;data warehouse

Fixed hyperlink in Reports section to pre-select the Flattened mode when the flattened data export is selected. Added configurable
limits to the max records that can be output (in ad-hoc and scheduled modes). These are found in [my company information) and can only
be set by OLX support staff (not GUI). Fields are as follows; dwmaxrows_adhoc  - limit when report is run by user 
dwmaxrows_scheduled&quot; - limit when report is run in schedule.
128 128_update101017_CTI  fixes and enhancements
Ticket Title : ZYQ-757-76785

Description: CTI Test

A number of fixes to CTI in 5.0 

- Fixed issues with
  - ANI &amp; CustomerID not being passed to Call popup (Script.aspx)
  - Softphone selected tab changing incorrectly between postbacks
  - Softphone display information dissapearing when viewing the Order Entry page
  - Softphone not appearing when first logged into the application 
  - Crash of Call popup.aspx when opening using the Softphones Goto Call/Order button
  - feature configuration and apply changes features of the admin console. 
  - Nav buttons not disabling and re-enabling after visits to the order page. 
  - Contact selection in softphone not working when on the Order page, because of nav-away blocking.
  - Several graphical glitches fixed. 
- Enhancements
  - replicated navigation buttons to contact match tab, so user does not have to 
    go back to info tab to manually select action with current call. This replaces the contact
    list that used to appear on the right side of the phone in V4, but was discontinued because 
    changes to the softphone appearance.
  - Simplified Admin screen, removed some options that are no longer accessible from the admin console

127 127_update101717 Second row disappears in search filter
[Release notes]

Ticket Title : PME-224-89158
Description: 5.0 Second Row Of Filters Hide After Hitting &quot;Apply
Fixed issue where second row of filter bar (for list screens) dissapears after hitting apply. 

126 126_update101917 Order Summary Button
[Release notes]

Ticket Title : WVO-234-62415
Description: Order Summary Button

Fixed issue with Order Summary report not launching from Order Detail screen. 

125 125_update101917_fix ship all filter with inventory items scenario [Release notes]

TicketNumber : FUX-882-77400

Fix to edge-case scenario where inventory is linked to an item after it is ordered, but before it is shipped. When the
"Require all items ship together" option is used in a order/shipment export, and a item goes to back order status, the remaining
item in the order would still ship because the item was not backordered at the time the shipment batch item list was first
124 124_update101717 Validate Email Screen Link broken [Release notes]

Fixed &quot;validate email&quot; function from the manage alerts popup (visible from a selected schedule in the 
scheduler editor widget). Was resulting in &quot;file not found&quot; exception. Also fixed tooltip over the 
blue validate button, which was not working in current browsers. 

Ticket Title : ANK-448-89337
Description: &quot;Send test email&quot; functionality error via import schedule processing alert

123 123-update101717_report credentials issecure fix

Fix inccorrect secure state information related to automated report stored credentials. 

122 122-update080917_From029_Agent alert box feature Optional feature - See Internal details
121 121-update071217_From028_Custom Agent Perf Report support TicketNumber : YUO-481-26696
Feature Request - Agent Stats

Provide configuration option to allow custom versions of the Agent Performance report to be viewed from the
Sales Agent home page.
120 120_update100517_Delivery of PGP files fix [Release notes]

Ticket Title : QKM-345-93089
Description: Export Error
Client export module was receiving the following error when trying to delivery a PGP encrypted file
to a SFTP server. 
Error in onStart():Open remote file failed [3]: Permission denied
119 119_update092717 Export notification css broken [Release notes]

Fix to issue: Grid on the Send Emails (notifications) page was overlapping buttons available on page.
Also fixed issue with the wrong popup being opened by the "Purge Notifications" button.

Ticket Title : AOS-318-67338
Description: Send Notifications Screen formatted incorrectly
118 118-update09132017_CustomFields as List Fixes [Release notes]

Ticket Number : WRJ-914-92605
Description: Rendering drop down options for "list" custom field type - Incorrect

Fix to issue: Sometimes, "List" custom fields on the Order Entry screen would be merged into a single line, rather than being rendered to the screen
as a selectable list. 
117 117_update100517 Hold until date issue calendar issue [Release notes]

Fixed issue: button to select date on Order Entry screen would not open Calendar
Ticket Title : HZJ-372-82117
Description: Calendar Pop Up on order entry screen to hold orders isn't working
116 116-update092817_Mastercard starting with 2 fix [Release notes]

Fixed issue with Mastercards that start with 2 being rejected. 

115 115-update092817_fix for max quantity selected script rule condition [Release notes]

Fixed issue with evaluation of Quantity Selected conditions for script rules. It has been changed so that unselected items evaluate to a quantity of zero, allowing rules to apply to unselected items if the offers are named in the script rule set-up

Ticket Number : GUJ-989-37096
Description: Script Rule for QTY limitations aren't working
114 114-update091117_Shipment Batch Report fixes [Release notes]

Ticket Number : CZX-318-47962
Description: 5.0 Shipment Batch Report not loading Customer Detail information
Fixed the following issues:
-Customer information section was not displaying any data.
-Both Customer and Inventory sections were always displayed, regardless of display mode selection.
113 113-update091117_Automated purchase order fixes [Release notes]

Ticket Number : NIB-944-86804
Description: Review 5.0 Purchase Order Screen
Following are Fixes/Improvements

1-Instead of using SupplierCode in Supplier's grid and Suggested Purchase Order's grid now we are using SupplierName field.
2-Add Icons to buttons named Refresh, Select All Suppliers, Unselect all Suppliers.
3-ActualReorderLevel checkboxes were not checked during initial page load now fixed.
4-ActualReorderLevel textbox was empty while it should have default suggested reorder level value.
5-WebService call was not closing SqlConnection after data retrival casing application crash after connection pool get overflow.
6-If button named "Refresh" is clicked without selecting PO-Type it was throwing "Object Reference Exception".
7-Fixed UI glitch for Job result tab.
112 112_update091817_Add key to users table
[Release notes]

Add primary key to users table (so that it can be replicated)

111 111_update091517_From035_OLX Order Import distribute tax fix_2
[Release notes]

Fixed issue with validation of shipping tax, incorrectly expecting double the correct tax amount.

110 110-update091417_configurable date ranges_exports only for now
[Release notes]

This project will modify the export scheduling date ranges. Rather than hardcoding, this will allow the ranges to be selected from a database table so it can be customized for clients. 

TicketNumber : VXZ-880-61628
Enhancement: Export Scheduling Option

109 109-update091017_WidentblPaymentProcessingAccountEncryptionField
[Release notes]

Internal code modification to support enhanced encryption.

108 108-update091017_FixBugWithSecureBit_tblCallPostedData
[Release notes]

Internal code modification to support enhanced encryption.

107 107-update091017_Widen_tblSysCfgValsKeyFieldAndAddColumn
[Release notes]

Internal code modification to support enhanced encryption.

106 106-update091017_Widen_tblDeliveryPrefsEncryptionField
[Release notes]

Internal code modification to support enhanced encryption.

105 105-update090717_MarkAsShippedFixes Fixed issue with Mark Shipped functionality from the Order Detail screen. Items were being set to Shipment Delivered instead of shipped awaiting settlement when there was an auth (without corresponding settlement). 
104 104_update082417_Coupon Not Displaying on OrderScreen Fixed issue: Unable to see coupon name in tooltip at Order Detail screens items grid.
103 103_update090617_OLX Order Import distribute tax fix Fixed issue with distribute tax option not being applied correctly to installment items.
Also removed some redundant, unused code. 

102 102-update090617_sql function optimization Optimizations to some commonly used SQL functions. 
101 101-update090317_FixCommonReportsDecryptionForMixedModeExpDateEncryption Patch for v5 Change to Encrypted Fields and their decryption in the COmmonReportviewer

This fix is to resolve issues reported in ticket ILS-669-20521 reported by PFL on 9/1/2017
Prior to OLTEncryption v5, the Payment tables in the app encrypted the following fields:

In OLTEncryptionV5, we have relaxed the standard and unencrtypted a few of the fields.  The new encrypted fields list is:

So, for backwards compatibility, we need to add support for storage and handling of both encrpyted and decrypted values of:

100 100-update082817_OLX Order Import and API enhancements Added new import/API option named use Tax Amount Instead Of Rate. When this enabled in the import configurator or via the API settings and the USE_TAXES option is enabled, the tax amounts of the items are taken as-is from the tax columns in the import instead of being calculated from the tax rates specified for the items. 

Fixed rounding issue for Shipping amount validation, which could cause a validation error when the amount was actually correct. 
For example:
WARNING: SHIPPING (Column 68) has the value 40.00. Shipping must match this orders calculated amount 40.00

99 099_update082417 Payment and Pay Profile fixes Description: Unnecessary payment data being saved

On customer details screen switching credit card payment profile to telecheck was also saving data related to the credit card vice versa.
On order details screen it seems to be working already.

Misc fixes to Payment Payment Profile popups, to address issues with labels disappearing when switching back and forth between telecheck and credit card payment methods. Also fixed scenario where user would get locked into a loop when entering an incorrect routing number. 
98 098_update081817 Quick lookup issue Fixed quick customer lookup issue.

Hitting enter key inside field of Order Lookup was causing logout instead of calling order lookup. Original error reproduced only in IE.

97 097-update071817_Script Element Issue Fix to described issue:
On the Elements tab of the Maintain Scripts page, the short description contains an apostrophe.  When removing the apostrophe and saving the element, the system adds a back slash to the description.  If this is done a second time (remove the back slash and the apostrope) then a second back slash is added automatically to the short description.
96 096-update082317_Coupon Details Report popup fix When you click a hyperlink in the Coupon Details Report in version 5.0, the resulting page loads in the same window that the report was run rather than opening a secondary pop up
95 095-update081917_Add User Page Visit Logging Add table to log Authenticated User Page visits.
94 094_update082317 Delivery prefs encryption issue Fixed secure-state information in system/scheduler delivery preferences. 
93 093-update081917_EnableLoadBalancerLite_v5 Preview/Optional Feature- see internal notes 
92 092-update081717_Fix encryption related bits in scheduler tables Fixed some issues with the handling of isSecure and SecureDate bits with job schedules and instances. 
91 091-update08152017_Prepare For Decryption of Some Payment Fields Patch for v5 Change to Encrypted Fields

Preparation for encryption changes (see internal details)
90 090-update07142017_DoNotProcessReceipt Description: Do Not Process Receipts Option
Added system preference to determine whether or not Inventory Receipted added via the GUI will automatically increase inventory by the amount received. The default is Yes. 
Also, fixed labelling errors in the System Preferences popup. There were still many places were Continuities were still labeled as Autoships
89 089-update081017_Another order entry preauth fix Fixed another scenario which would cause preauths done from the Order Entry page to fail with an error related to a numerical field being Nan (not a number). 

Scenario was triggered when items were deselected, then reselected again before being authorized for payment. 

88 088-update070716_New Notification parsing Created an alternate (new) mode for Alias Grid handling in notifications.
Field Grid aliases are now represented with simple text-based alias indicators, rather than HTML based constructs which were easily corrupted by the browser and other editing tools. Added logic to use old notifications processing code for notification templates created prior to this patch.
87 087-update071317_Net Sales option fix Bug fix: Show #Ords Checkbox in Net Sales Report was causing error message. Bug
86 086-update062917_From025_Import and API rounding changes Added a new rounding method, Bankers rounding for Order Level tax calculation, when file based pricing taxes are used. 
85 085-update061917_QA Agent Report reinstall Fixed error message that displayed when opening the Quality Assurance Agent report viewer. 
Error: Could not display the customFitler2 specified by the table.
Also fixed Team Employee filters to include All as an option. 
84 084-update051917_ItemStatus Report Fixes Links were not working for Customer Name and Order No, because target attribute of hyperlink was set to &quot;All&quot; which was causing problem. 
83 083-update061217_From024_Misc inventory fixes 1. Items set to Fatal status via the Mark Paid CS scscreen not releasing inventory.
2. Reimporting already processed ship confirmations would cause inventory QAL to be decremented again.
3. Back-Order release process was taking too long to complete after doing a receipt or adjustment.
    - Offloaded process to be handled by scheduler instead. 
Inventory Bug
82 082-update053117_From022_Order Entry Masking fix Fixed issue with CC Masking of the credit card number when entering the Order Entry screen from an existing customer. The last 4 digits of the masked number were not fully visible, and only the last 3 digits were seen in cases where the number was less than 16 digits. Also made CC number field slightly wider.
81 081-update061417_Continuity Sequence Fixes Selected client was not saved when Saving a continuity sequence. 

80 080-update052617_EditCampaign fixes Fixed bug with the Edit Campaign popup where the popup would crash for certain campaigns, where the start and end dates were out of the range allowed by the popups date selection widgets. 
79 079-update053017_CS Screen order list enhancements 1. Add system preference to auto-expand Order History grid on customer detail screen (off by default)
2. Add update panel to indicate when the contents of the history grid are being updated.
78 078-update053017_Preauth after ship edit bug fix Fixed crash of the Payment Authorization popup (on the Order Entry page), which would result after editing a shipping amount on a selected item, then attempting to process an auth for the order

77 077-update053017_Fixed missing cs comment export sub page Fixed broken add/clear link buttons on CS Comments Export
76 076-update052217_Inventory Adjustment enhancements Added safeguard to prevent new items from being added to the adjustment grid after changes have already been applied. Page state is reset by returning to the page again. Also added code to clear the selections already made for adjustment amount, as well 
as informational columns when the selected SKU is changed while editing the grid. 
Inventory Bug
75 075-update052617_Customer Continuity window fix Increased window size to fit more content including buttons on the bottom. 
74 074-update052617_Optimized Item Status report proc Install optimized Item Status report data gathering stored procedure. 
73 073-update052317_Admin Utils access Added shortcut to allow access to Admin Utils (Under Admin, visible to Site Developers role)
Allowed access to StartWeb site monitoring landing page without auth requirement. 
72 072-update052317_MiscReportHyperlinkFixes 1-Customer name hyperlink available in report is not opening in a new window/tab.
2-Customer Detail window opened in result of clicking hyperlink is not showing customer order history.
3-Hyperlinks in the Item Status report in 5.0 do not open a new window with order/customer detail pages.  

Note: Issue WCK-173-80325 is improved by this patch, but is still in progress for some other minor issues.
71 071-update050117_CSActivityPrintFixes Adjustments to CS Event list (Customer detail screen), to allow them to be printed. 

70 070-update050517_CTYProcessAlertFixes
Fixed issue where Process Alert popup would not display from the Scheduler widget on the Autoship and Report view pages. 

69 069-update050117_External tax framework fix
Fixed disabled classes for external tax providers which were disable while developing 5.0. 
Functionality was removed for debugging and inadvertently left in a disabled state. 

68 068-update050117_From018_Import and API price validation Added new option to allow file-provided pricing to be validated against pricing in OLX. This allows taxes to be calculated outside of OLX while ensuring prices are provided correctly. 
OLX v5.0 GUI- Appears on configurator screen as checkbox named Validate Imported Price. Default value for schedules not containing this settings if False (prior default behavior) 
OLX v5.0 API- Option setting is derived from SETTINGS section of XML, tag named VALIDATE_PRICE. Default value is false if this is not provided.
67 067-update050117_From017_fix prevent commit of inactive items Fixed bug where deleted inventory items were still committed for order items. Added check to exclude deleted items that may still be associated with products being ordered. Inventory Bug
66 066-update041717_From016_fix incorrect exception count for API errors in import log Summary of changes
Modify the stored procedure to get an accurate count of exceptions.
65 065-update041017_From014_Internal notification fix Fixed issue where Customer detail information could not be obtained when navigating to the customer from an internal notifications, or when used with some custom add-ons linked with the internal notification view. This occurred with notifications that were generated as a result of adding new orders to an existing customer through the order entry screen. Bug
64 064-update032817_From012_add masking to Zip password in schedule delivery Added masking to ZIP password, when viewing existing schedules that have a saved ZIP password in the schedule.
The password will be loaded into the interface, but not shown on the screen.
63 063-update042117_ZipCodeFixes Fixed browser lock-up that occurs when entering an invalid zip code. (Internet Explorer only)
62 062-update050917_Optional feature fixes Added missing security registration for optional Edit Order Shipping Method feature window.
Fixed incorrect feature code for global CC Masking option.

61 061-update042017_SupplierInventoryItemsFixes Inventory Supplier Item editing issue
Fix to the issue where the supplier item record details associated with the supplier lose their recent changes when being opened/viewed for a second time, in a single session of editing
using the Inventory Supplier popup.
Inventory Bug
60 060-update041317_EditNotificationJobScheduleFixes 5.0 Cannot Edit Notification Job Schedule
Fixed error that could potentially occur when selecting a Notification Schedule that had templates selected that have been deleted since the schedule was originally created.
59 059-update050217_Expand CS orders button Added button to the customer detail screen to expand the grid rows for the customers Orders. (Only works for currently selected page at this time). Feature
58 058-update050417_SSL option for SMTP and logging improvements Added setting change to enable SMTP connections to a non-standard port.
Also added some additional log output to the notification processing job to make troubleshooting easier
57 057-update050317_Customizable packing slips Feature Request - Packing list quantities
Added feature to allow (client customized) packing slips to be installed without requiring additional application changes.
56 056-update050317_Notification prefs editor fix Fixed bug with Notifications Preference popup. It would corrupt the saved password if it was reopened and saved without entering a new password (each time) Bug
55 055-update050117_RptContinuityCustomerListFixesContinuity Customer List Report in 5.0 missing correct status options Bug
54 054-update042717_Inventory Lot Serial Number Tracking FixFixed issue with error handling during data validation when adding a lot/serial tracking number. Inventory Bug
53 053-update022217_From007_Item price history loggingAdded log table to track item price changes. (not visible in application) Feature
52 052-update021417_From003_schedule security fixesFixes to scheduled delivery settings for FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Site passwords are now correctly encrypted in the schedule records. Bug
51 051-update032417-From424_Notification alias fixFixed issue where line breaks in notification templates would prevent them from being prepared by notification processing. Bug
50 050-update032417-From422_Order reciept report fixFixed issue where incorrect shipping method was appearing on receipt.   Bug
49 049-update032417-From421_SFTP_FTPS alternate modesAdded following changes for FTPS and SFTP connectivity SFTP 
Added support for keyboard interactive login method. This functionality is triggered by including the following string somewhere in the UserName in the schedule settings:FTPS 
Added support for session resume, where the same session is used by the initial and data connections to the server, for FTPS servers that require this. This functionality is triggered by including the following
string somewhere in the UserName in the schedule settings:
48 048-update030917-From420and424_ignore subscript rule optionAdded option to Script Management screen to determine whether or not script rules from subscripts are evaluated. This option is on by default as this is how it has always worked.
47 047-update042617_UserLogoutFixesFixed issue where user that had been logged off would not disappear from the logged in list, even
though the user had been logged out. Also added popup alert to admin that logout was successful.
46 046-update042617_Rpt-InvoiceMultiFixesDescription: When the Invoice is being run from the Customer detail page, the following error is being displayed in place of the Invoice
Error: Subreport could not be shown
45 045-update042517_Set default pw change to max 90 Set maximum password change interval to 90 days in cases where it had been set higher than this by default.
This was part of the required security changes.
Originally from 4.1.2 (but this has not rolled out to 4.0 clients yet)
44 044-update042517_Preauth after qty edit bug fixFixed crash of the Payment Authorization popup (on the Order Entry page), which would result after
editing a quantity on a selected item, then attempting to process an auth for the order
43 043-update041317_Auth.net gateway changeModified default implementation of Auth.Net payment gateway integration to skip the passing of a prior
reference ID when issuing credits that are over 120 days old.
42 042-update041317_Edit product inventory edit fixFixed sporadic error when attempting to add inventory items to a product.
Fixed missing inventory tooltip in Order Detail page (when PO Types are not defined for the items)
Inventory Bug
41 041-update041317_CSPerformance report fixFix to error when running CS Performance report with the ALL media types filter enabled. Bug
40 040-update040517_Copy employee changeChange logic for copying an employee record relating to additional pop up Feature
39 039-update041017_RMAWindowFixesCan't access RMA details via the status awaiting return from the Customer Detail Center Bug
38 038-update041217_prevent duplicate offers in scriptModified script wizard to prevent the same offer from being attached to the script more than once. Also,
prevent offer from being added to the required offers; if it is already in the main list of offers, and
vice versa.
37 037-update041017_Notification menu fixesBlank Screen while clicking on notifications tile. Fixed so now it displays
list of notification modules.
36 036-update040517_Shipping charge popup fixAdd New Shipping Method button doesn't work via charge profiles pop up Bug
35 035-update040517_Report viewer fiscal year fixThe issue occurs when selecting 1900 as the Fiscal Year. I understand that 1900 would never need to be selected as a Fiscal Year because there would
never be data that far back, but it also doesn't seem like it should be shown as an available selection.
When you do select 1900, the report goes to an error screen with the following message:
34 034-update040717_Cs Activity FixesAdding CS activities (after editing) is actually pulling up the edit window and deleting the old one. Bug
33 033-update040717_Copy Source FixFixed issue where copy Source feature would copy the source record, but then would not automatically open the source popup to allow editing of the new source. Bug
32 032-update040617_Fix AMEX card validationFixed issue with AMEX card not being identified incorrectly, resuling in &#39;invalid card&#39; notifications
on the order entry page.
31 031-update040617_Order entry pay field fixFixed issue with updating expiration date when creating a new order from an existing customer, who&#39;s
expiration date has passed. Order Entry page was not using the newly entered expiration date for validation
but the original one that was based on the payment profile selected.
Also added slight enhancement. When opening the payment info popup (on the order entry screen for existing customer),
it puts the word &quot;(hidden)&quot; in the CC Number field, and pre-populates the Expiration date
30 030-update033017_Misc fixesA couple of fixes
1. Added Global.asax to OLX_API project. Code behind was there but the ASAX itself was not attached ot project, resulting in it not
being available for delivery to client instances.
2. Made &quot;Auths Without Orders&quot; process a system job, so it is hidden from default view of process history.
29 029-update033017_Reinstall standard inventory import specsReinstall standard OLX Import specs
OLX Inventory Adjustment Import
OLX Inventory SKU Import
OLX Inventory SKU Association Import
OLX Inventory Supplier Import (new)
OLX Inventory Supplier Pricing Import (new)
Inventory Bug
28 028-update032917_Inventory Lot Serial Tracking EnhancementAdd Feature to assign Lot and Serial Numbers to ordered inventory items.
At the time of shipment, the actual inventory that was used to fulfill an order via the warehouse is consumed.
It is possible that the inventory in question requires Lot Tracking, Expiration Date Tracking or Serial Number Tracking. 
This task is to add support for assigning Lot #/Exp Dates to individual quantities of inventory components shipped. 
Additionally if serial numbers are assigned, they should also be able to be created/updated in OLX using an import module or the GUI.
The new screen is accessed by clicking on the package icon on the order details screen
Inventory Bug
27 027-update032117_Schedule report fixesFix filter error with Schedule History report, and also remove duplicate instances of the report
from the reports menu
26 026-update032117_Add inventory diagnostic table and triggersAdd diagnostic table and triggers for investigating issues with Inventory. Inventory Bug
25 025-update032117_Inventory item list details changeModified the fields included on the Inventory Item List screen. Now shows committed, backordered
and available counts.
Inventory Feature
24 024-update032117_enhanced_cs_inventory_tooltipAdded 7 new fields to Inventory tooltip popup on Order Detail Screen.
Fields are:
1) Item Type (STK, RRP, DRS)
2) Quantity On Hand
3) Committed
4) Backordered
5) On Order
6) DoNotOrder
7) DoNotSell
8)  Expected Date
Inventory Feature
23 023-update030917_edition fixesHide inventory related tabs and fields from the Item/Product editor screen (for versions of OLX
that do not support inventory)
Inventory Feature
22 022-update030917_fix CTI goto order buttonBug fix: Clicking on the CTI Goto Order button would not cause the application to navigate to the Order Entry screen. Bug
21 021-update030917_ignore sets notification optionAdded feature to add an option to exclude Set items from item status notifications. Feature
20 020-update030717_readd customer ord history totalDescription:5.0 Restore total amount footer to Customer Order History grid
19 019-update030617_internal notification fetch fixFix to crash when fetching next internal notification from CS Home screen. Bug
18 018-update030617_improve password hint textImprove password hint text to include mention of requiering both Upper &amp; Lower case letters.
17 017-update030617_updated schedule history reportInstalled updated schedule history report. Feature
16 016-update030217_Filter select hotkey fixCTRL-F4 was a shortcut to select Customer First Name, Last Name, and Zip in the Customer search screen. However in Chrome
this key combination cannot be overridden... and it&#39;s default behavior is to close the browser window. Modified hot key
combination so that CTRL-SHIFT-F4 now works as the shortcut, as well as SHIFT-F4
15 015-update030217_CS Home screen optimizationCS Home screen would load slowly if there were lots of pending incomplete CS events for the user viewing the page. Optimized
this by reducing the number of events presented on this page.
14 014-update030117_From419_fix edge case inventory allocation to back order itemsFixed rare scenario where items that were back-ordered then cancelled (or deleted) would have inventory allocated to them. Bug
13 013-update030117_From418_fix file deliv credentials not being passed to autoprocess exportFixed issue where delivery password would not be passed to export code when automatically processing a payment batch (that is processed by
means of producing a file). Missing delivery password would result in connections to FTP/SFTP/FTPS failing.
12 012-update030117_From417_prevent inventory allocation to edited cancelled items Modify the review inventory function to add &#39;Item Cancelled&quot; status to the list of forbidden
statuses so it will not attempt to reserve inventory when the item is edited.
11 011-update030117_From416_fix delete product group issue Resolved issue where deletes to product groups where resulting unknown error message. 
Modify code to check if there are products associated to the product group
whether the product is active or not.
10 010-update022817_edition fixesFixes issues with certain Script Management features being incorrectly hidden for Commerce Edition Bug
9 009-update022017_user wizard change password bugFixed issue with User Admin screen password change feature. Admin would encounter an error trying to save the user
record after changing the password, then navigating to other tabs in the user admin popup.
8 008-update022017_pgp fixesFixed issues with adding, modifying, and using PGP keys with new library from NSoftware Bug
7 007-update022017_grid fixes A couple of grid related fixes
1. Continuity job output. Grid lines were not appearing between orders.
2. Customer Detail order history: Somtimes grid headers and columns would not alight.
3. Changed named of column in continutity processing job grid output from &quot;Order Number&quot; to &quot;Web Order #
6 006-update022017_adjust password complexity Couple of minor changes
1. Added some additional special characters that will be accepted in passwords
2. Password length requirement was overagressive. Reduced to 8 characters.
5 005-update020717_more report fixes JWS-592-38189 (partial, other issues still in progress)
Fixed Sales Performance Report (Viewer was not loading with an error. Launched from Sales home page)
Shipment Batch Report - fiscal year error.
Fix to the report window automatically closing after clicking hyperlink... for following reports.
Sales_Agent_Commission_Summary report
4 004-update020717_Misc fixes.sql RGO-526-59331
Renamed job Autoship Processing to Continuity Processing.
Fixed missing table formatting when viewing continutity processing in the process history screen.
Fixed hyperlink to invoke customer info popup from autoship/continutity jobs shown in the process history screen.
Fix to issue where ad-hoc end date on export screen changed when viewing then closing a schedule.
Fix to issue where cancel button does not return to batch list from process batch screen.
Fixed issue with Add/Edit popup showing inactive (deleted) offers.
JWS-592-38189 (partial, other issues still in progress)
Fix for Report named Payroll Batch
Fix for Timecard report
Removed limitation on product offers that is shown in Product Offer filter. Was capped at 100
(no ticket)
Removed hard-coded &quot;Call Center Edition&quot; from call/order popup that is invoked from reports.
3 3 Fixed issues with the following reports: 
 - Payment Batch Report (Replaced RDL that would not deploy)
- Net Sales report - params misconfiguration
- Item Status - params misconfiguration.
- Quality Assurance Campaign
- Survey report
2 2 Fixed the following misc issues.
- Fixed date filter issues on the Process History screen. Now works with any correctly formatted date
- Fixed uneven row widths on the process history screen job output panels.
- Fixed &quot;Object reference&quot; error when selecting Credit on the Refund/RMA popup.
- Adusted graph on CS Home screen to help address issues with legend overlapping graph.
1 1 Fixed critical issue with payment batch transaction amounts being doubled. Bug

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    • Sales Order Entry_Notes,Demographics, Misc

      To toggle between Notes, Demographics, and Miscellaneous, select the radio button next to the option. The Call Notes section of the order screen is where you can select a promo code for the call (if applicable), and enter any important notes for the ...
    • 5.1.286 - Back Order Release Process Ordering Change

      Version: 5.1 Patch: 286 Title: Back Order Release Process Ordering Change  Application Category: Other, Inventory Patch Type: Feature Description: Modified the procedure of Back Order Release Job to take into account payment method as well. If the ...
    • R20.6 p7 Optional: Back Order Release Process To Take Inventory Location Into Account

      Version: 5.1 Release Number: 20.6 Patch: 7 Title: Optional: Back Order Release Process To Take Inventory Location Into Account Application Category: Other, Inventory Patch Type: Feature Description: Add optional feature for Back Order release process ...
    • Hold Item

      Module:  Order Detail Page Topic: Hold Item Version(s): Version 5.1 and up  Editions: Standard, Commerce, Call Center Setting an Item on Hold: To hold an item, click the Hold Item button at the top of the Order Items section of the page. The Hold ...